Friday, September 21, 2012

Day Out in Durham!

Recently someone shared with me this picture they felt like the Lord had given them for me! 

I see you being stood on the edge of a wood and all the leaves are still on the trees so you can’t see through the wood but Autumn is coming and that’s when leaves fall off.  With this change in season you will be able to see more clearly what's on the other side of the wood. 

When I heard it I thought, Yep that's right where I am at. 

 This past week I attended a conference in Durham and CONFESSION - I skipped out on the small group session I was to attend and took a bit of an afternoon stroll :) and look at the view I stumbled upon! I was instantly reminded of the "word" my friend had given me! 

In that moment I was able to STOP and remind myself that God is good and oh so very faithful.  This season I am in will come to end and God will have new and amazing things for me.  But my main reflection in it all was this...

I don't want to miss out on any of the beauty, good, love, joy, and peace that the Lord has for me right NOW.  I am an apostle which means I am usually always thinking about the future, and what could be.  But I don't want to live in a future that isn't promised, but would rather live in the present that's right in front of me.  So doing my best to do just that! 

All to say, I am really thankful I didn't go to my small group time! 

And here are some more lovely views from the bridge that I got to enjoy! 

Maybe my favorite view.  This was great to witness! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

3 Very Important Words

Love     Unity     Honor 

In the past 6 months, I can't seem to get these 3 words out of my head as I know they are deep foundations God is putting in my heart.  I also know I have a ways to go in regards to having them be the overflow of my heart and life BUT you have to start somewhere.  Right?!

So, in an attempt to engage with YOU, my audience (hopefully I find out that more than my mom follows me)  I would LOVE to hear your thoughts, comments, experiences (good/bad) with these 3 words.

Email me, text me, FB message me, I will take whatever I can get and anxiously await whatever thoughts are brewing in your head.

Don't be shy and don't hold back!  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stibbe Quotes

Last week Mark Stibbe came to speak at my church.  His home run topic time and time again is all about our Heavenly Father's heart for us, his children.  

I heard once that our earthly Father allows us to have right or wrong views of our Heavenly Father, which makes me so thankful that my Dad did so many things right.

If you have a hard time knowing our Heavenly Father as your Father, Dad, Daddy, knowing that His love for you is endless, knowing that all He is desires for you is good, etc.... then I would encourage you to check out one of Mark Stibbe's books.  

Here's a few quotes from him to wet your appetite. 

Once you understand who He is,  you understand who you are. 

Our desire as children of God should be to seek a history has been healed, an identity that is sealed, and a destiny that's been revealed. 

We are called first to be lovers not leaders. 

The church isn't called to be politically correct but prophetically direct. 

The greater you know your identity the greater authority you live in.  

God is primarily after relationship not your prayer list (He already knows them). 

You can spend loads of time in counselling but one moment in the presence of the King changes everything. 

As a people we have to move from nice to dangerous. 

Knowing the Father's heart isn't a passing fade it's a permanent foundation. 

Familiarity can produce apathy in the world. 

Many Christians are just enough saved to go to Heaven but not enough to bring in the Kingdom of Heaven. 

I mean, phew....just pick one and mull over it for awhile!  :) 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Heaven on Earth

Meet Hanna

She became a believer a year ago. 

A few months ago God started to heal her heart from a tough past she lived through. 

A few weeks ago she went to India and saw a man healed of blindness. 

A week ago she said her Dad started to consider that this God she believes could be real. 

Good golly, what is next?! 

On Earth as it is in Heaven - More Lord! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Say you lived in England for 7 months....

Here's a few things you may think if you have lived in Sheffield, England for 7 months...

1. The accents aren't as cool as when you first arrived (honestly I don't even notice anymore)

2.  People feel more comfortable with you so they are more likely to mock your American accent 

3.  The roads and cars still seem tiny and don't make much sense 

4.  Bacon, Brie, & Bread continue to be way better! 

5.  It really does rain most of the time - never leave home without your brolly 

6.  There are STILL phrases and things these people say that you have no idea what they are referring to 

7.  You remain to be confused about their obsession with beans - on toast, on potatoes, for breakfast - weird...

8.  You haven't figured out the rules to futbol - even after a many people have tried to explain it 

9.  You long for some good Mexican 

10. You still wonder if people are lying to you when they say they have heard of Iowa 

AND on a serious note...

When I look back on this past year I see nothing but God's goodness and faithfulness over my life, He really has provided for me in every capacity and it seems like all I do when I sit and write in my journal is thank Him and thank Him.  I guess that's not a bad thing is it?! :) 

In July I get to go home for a bit and as I was putting my leave & return dates in my calendar I realized that on both dates I put, Fly Home.  It's good to have two homes - two places that I love and loads of people I love even more.  

So thank you again Jesus for my two homes! 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weekend in Manchester

Last Weekend I got to spend some time in Manchester enjoying a Bethel Worship Conference.  A few highlights include amazing worship (dancing included!), prayer, good nuggets from Brian & Jenn Johnson & Martin Smith, a new Bible!!, the curry mile, and great friends of course! 

 Adam, Rachel, and Pippa & I - some of my favorites! 

Rich & Lizzie - getting stuck in at the Curry Mile!

This wasn't in Manchester BUT needs to posted - our latest young adult team planning day.  A beautiful day at the Lovell's planning for the Weekend Away - I love our team, Ally you were missed for sure! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Love & Faithfulness...

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love

Here's a verse I have memorized and am often praying over people and situations, but only as of late do I feel like I have come to know this verse.  Meaning my head knowledge has become heart knowledge.  God has been given me greater revelations of His love for me and His love for others and in return I have noticed love really does drive out all fear.  It's not like I didn't know this before, but that's what happens when you experience truth.  

When I look ahead at the future, as known or unknown it may seem, it's easy to be fearful and wonder what they heck is in store for me and will it be good?!  Yet as I am embracing this love God has for me I can't help but trust that He will be faithful.  Love and faithfulness really do go hand in hand.  

As I have been reading through the Psalms so many times I see Love followed by Faithfulness - have a read and see for yourself.  When I grasp how much God loves me, I can know that my future is secure in Him and He will be Faithful.  

I don't want to worry, I don't want to fret, I want to trust in my Father who created me in Love, purposed me in Love, and has designed the very world I live in, in Love.  

So today I am praying that He would pour out a greater revelation of Love to me today and in turn I would have faith and trust for the future that lies ahead, however known or unknown that may be.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


These past couple months have been a journey for me in the area of forgiveness, and as I am claiming new levels of freedom I am realizing that this picture couldn't be more true!


Do you need to forgive someone today?!  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Good Clean Fun...

More random photos...just good clean fun is all! 

 Vanessa (one of my new favorite friends) introduced me to Uncle Sam's - think she was worried I have been feeling homesick.  I must admit it was probably the best burger I have had here. 

 Daniela and I - cheers to being German! 

 Just beautitful Mina and I...

 Night on the town! 

 The gang!

J Toks - be impressed! I grew the grass you sent me!!! :) 

YES Jesus, thank you for all my wonderful friends! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Book Reviews...

I recently read these books, both of which I would recommend, but if you don't have time to add 2 more books to your reading list I included a few of my favorites quotes from each book! 

Wisdom – I am the primary gift that has been given to you for your work.  I will show you the way, and I will keep you on it, but only love will keep you faithful.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but the highest wisdom is to love Him.

I had wasted people.  The whole battle was for people and yet people were often regarded as the least important.  We will fight for truths more than people for whom they are given.  We will fight for ministries while running rough-shod over the people in them. 

If you truly love, you will truly forgive.  The harder it is for you to forgive, the further you are from true love.

We trust people whose hearts and character we know.  Many people think that knowing someone’s ways is knowing them – not so.  However, the heart of man is created by God and that is the place where life flows from.  We can only say that we know someone when we know their heart.  Their ways and their heart are two different things.  Same is true with our relationship with God.

Intimacy = knowing each other’s heart without limitation and sharing each other’s heart without reservation

God does not have to create.  He chooses to create.  There if you were born and exist it is not just because your mom got pregnant.  It is because God chose to create you.  He wanted you to exist and I know for a fat that He delighted in creating you.  He smiled and laughed out loud.  He whistled and sang a special song over you as He placed His love in your heart and kissed you on the head when you finished.  You may have been conceived in pain and rejection but you were created with joy and delight, and that is where your identity begins.  Make no mistake, He kissed you and loved you since the very beginning.  Your idenity began with creation not with conception.  Conception is human, but creation is completely divine. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's been awhile...

Since I have been slacking on the blog posts I thought I would shoot out a quick list update on what's been shaking in Sheffield, England. 

1.  I continue to learn new words like brolley for umbrella and learn new phrases like chucking it down or tipping it down to use when it's raining a lot.

2.  As of late I find myself craving a fountain pop from the states. 

3.  I recently purchased plane tickets for a summer trip home and noticed I labeled both my leave and return dates in my calendar as "Fly Home" - it's a blessing and yet sometimes hard having two homes.  

4.  Last weekend my community went to the Prouders Towers (Ally's parents house) for a weekend getaway! 

View of the Lake District - Money!

Ca-Ca-Ca Community - yes we are lacking people of the male gender...we are recruiting...

5.  I continue to love the bacon & brie here! 

6.  Recently I have gained two American friends - that seems wierd to write. 

7.  This past Wednesday around 50 women young & old came to do one thing - seek the presence of the Jesus!  It was really encouraging to see women so up for it and hungry! 

8.  LOVE LOVE LOVE - this is the majority of what Jesus is teaching me about these days & that there is NO FEAR in perfect love.  So much I could unpack here....another post! :) 

9.  I finished Season 1 of Downton Abbey - now onto Season 2!!  Care Care, Tay Tay, Rachel "pancakes" Randall, Stacey "char-ley" Rathjen,  Gusta with the Musta, Asian Rachel - you all come to mind as people who would enjoy this show!!  Check it out! 

10.  Recent question I have been reflecting on...Do I love Jesus more since when I first came to England?  How I measure the results....Do I love people more?! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Random Fun...

A few random photos from this past week!

Another thanks to Jenny Tokheim! I never liked to get mail in the states but now I love it! So this big package got me real excited! Time will tell if I can actually grow these plants...

Coffee with Beautiful Bina or Mina - either way she's a beauty!

On Monday Rachel, Adam, & Sam I took a trip to see Pippa in Harrogate!
First stop - MacDonald's. Gosh we are wierd...

Pippa's parents cafe - sadly being a bank holiday on Monday it wasn't open...

Interesting bunch we are.... :)

Saturday morning I got the privilege of speaking to these young folks about the river of life & jumping all in!

Saturday night at Kebabish!

Followed by more Turkish goodness!

You can't take these two anywhere...