Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Rich & Nick, Co-workers!

Monday, February 27, 2012
Weekend Goodness

Sunday, February 26, 2012
Wonderful Women!

Friday, February 24, 2012
Shrove Tuesday w/ My Peeps

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Raising up Mary's...
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Prison Ministry

Friday, February 10, 2012
What makes you cry?!
This past year God has been showing me what it means to show honor to those who have gone before us.
Lately my heart has been breaking for the older generation. A generation in my mind that has been disregarded by the younger generations. So much emphasis is put on the next generation – as it should be BUT not at the expense of dismissing the wealth of wisdom that lies in the many people who have gone before us.
Each week I get the privilege of meeting with some older AKA wiser ladies. Our purpose in meeting – to sit in the presence of the Lord. I have learned SO much by LISTENING to these ladies and by WATCHING these ladies. My heart breaks to hear their stories and the heartache and hurt they have experienced (often times by the church.)
The other day I got the opportunity to share my heart with them - telling them that I honor them, I respect them, and I value them. With tears in my eyes and theirs as well, I told them we NEED them – our generation desperately needs spiritual mothers and fathers that have gone before us and can teach us what it means to walk with the Lord in the good and hard times, to teach us discipline, and to train us in the ways we should go.
My heart desires to see the generations mixing it up – real discipleship happening AND as sit and listened once again to hear these ladies hearts and have them pray for me as God begins this work, I walked away being reminded of what this "work" must look like. It’s so simple yet so foreign to so many. I heard the Lord say...
We must raise up Mary’s.
Generations of women who sit at Jesus’s feet.
This older generation whom I have grown to love have taught me what it means to desire nothing else but Jesus (I know I still have a long ways to go) BUT I know why they need to be leading the charge, it’s because they know what it is to live in the presence of the Lord.
What a challenge BUT as they say, COME ON LORD!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Co-worker, Josh Cutting
Josh & Beth are a huge asset to have on our young adult team - paving the way for rebuilding generation to step up and step out - leading by example as all the great leaders do!
You both are greatly appreciated!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Co-worker & friend, Ally Proudfoot

I am get to share an office with Ally and get this lovely view everyday! I feel blessed to get to work alongside such a stud of woman - someone who is genuinely going hard after it and keeping her eyes on God - a continual encouragement for me.
BUT don't let her leadership gifts fool you, she's domestic at heart. More than once I have enjoyed some of her delicious freshly baked cookies! I have also received one of her creations on the sowing machine! This lady has skillz!
AND I haven't even mentioned that she can preach too! I am sure you will hear her at conference at some point!
She's a big deal indeed! Thankful God has given me the opportunity to get to know her and learn from her.