Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stibbe Quotes

Last week Mark Stibbe came to speak at my church.  His home run topic time and time again is all about our Heavenly Father's heart for us, his children.  

I heard once that our earthly Father allows us to have right or wrong views of our Heavenly Father, which makes me so thankful that my Dad did so many things right.

If you have a hard time knowing our Heavenly Father as your Father, Dad, Daddy, knowing that His love for you is endless, knowing that all He is desires for you is good, etc.... then I would encourage you to check out one of Mark Stibbe's books.  

Here's a few quotes from him to wet your appetite. 

Once you understand who He is,  you understand who you are. 

Our desire as children of God should be to seek a history has been healed, an identity that is sealed, and a destiny that's been revealed. 

We are called first to be lovers not leaders. 

The church isn't called to be politically correct but prophetically direct. 

The greater you know your identity the greater authority you live in.  

God is primarily after relationship not your prayer list (He already knows them). 

You can spend loads of time in counselling but one moment in the presence of the King changes everything. 

As a people we have to move from nice to dangerous. 

Knowing the Father's heart isn't a passing fade it's a permanent foundation. 

Familiarity can produce apathy in the world. 

Many Christians are just enough saved to go to Heaven but not enough to bring in the Kingdom of Heaven. 

I mean, phew....just pick one and mull over it for awhile!  :) 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Heaven on Earth

Meet Hanna

She became a believer a year ago. 

A few months ago God started to heal her heart from a tough past she lived through. 

A few weeks ago she went to India and saw a man healed of blindness. 

A week ago she said her Dad started to consider that this God she believes could be real. 

Good golly, what is next?! 

On Earth as it is in Heaven - More Lord! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Say you lived in England for 7 months....

Here's a few things you may think if you have lived in Sheffield, England for 7 months...

1. The accents aren't as cool as when you first arrived (honestly I don't even notice anymore)

2.  People feel more comfortable with you so they are more likely to mock your American accent 

3.  The roads and cars still seem tiny and don't make much sense 

4.  Bacon, Brie, & Bread continue to be way better! 

5.  It really does rain most of the time - never leave home without your brolly 

6.  There are STILL phrases and things these people say that you have no idea what they are referring to 

7.  You remain to be confused about their obsession with beans - on toast, on potatoes, for breakfast - weird...

8.  You haven't figured out the rules to futbol - even after a many people have tried to explain it 

9.  You long for some good Mexican 

10. You still wonder if people are lying to you when they say they have heard of Iowa 

AND on a serious note...

When I look back on this past year I see nothing but God's goodness and faithfulness over my life, He really has provided for me in every capacity and it seems like all I do when I sit and write in my journal is thank Him and thank Him.  I guess that's not a bad thing is it?! :) 

In July I get to go home for a bit and as I was putting my leave & return dates in my calendar I realized that on both dates I put, Fly Home.  It's good to have two homes - two places that I love and loads of people I love even more.  

So thank you again Jesus for my two homes!