Tuesday, February 25, 2014

When God goes digging in your heart...

These pictures below don't have anything to do with this post, just an Aunt 
bragging on her cute nieces and nephew! More adorable candids below! 

Peppa Pig - A Schaefer household favorite! 

When you live in Texas and not on the farm, this will have to do! 

When God goes digging in your heart...

It doesn’t often feel good when it’s happening, but when it’s over, I am always grateful.  

Always grateful for those times when God decides it’s time to go deeper and starts to mine away at the crud, yuck, and muck and shows me the gold that truly lies within me. 

A while ago, as I was experiencing God going deeper, a good friend of mine sent me this description below of the actual process of gold mining.  

Today the process of mining for gold is very complex. It does not begin with a pick ax and shovel and hopes of striking it rich. It begins with a well thought out plan.

Today, large machines are used to grind away rock, ply away soil and basically strip down the earth until they reach the "pockets" where gold is located. In some cases, this requires drilling through solid bedrock. 

The shaking causes the unwanted material (soil, gravel, etc.) to be eliminated and allow only the valuable substance (gold) to remain. The superfluous material had to be discarded in order for the valuable substance to be exposed.

This description hit the nail on the head for what I was feeling.  God was shaking away, digging away, and in some cases drilling away what needed to go so that He could reveal the gold.

When I first left for England, I heard God say it was going to be a season of “training and preparation”.  I didn’t know what I was going to be trained and prepared for but I was excited and knew it was going to be good. 

Now as I am back in the states, reflecting on what this time of training and preparation was all about, it’s clear one of His main focuses was mining for the gold within me.  

He was doing a deep “who” work in me that was narrowing in on my character. 

He was stripping away anything I could have placed my identity or worth in and awakening me to who I am when it’s just me, myself, and I.  How comfortable would I be in my own skin, with all my insecurities laid bare?

I was being taken through God’s gold sifter, and it was up to me if I would engage with the process.  I know in a sense we are always in this process, but I believe some seasons God turns up His sifter’s intensity, and the question always remains the same. 

Will I engage with the process?

If I choose to say yes, gold will always be the result, and every ounce of surrender will always be worth it. 

One of the biggest lessons I learned in this season was the power of declaring this newfound gold over myself each day, and reminding myself of who God says I am.

Therefore, I am doing my best to now speak these truths below (out loud) each day,  reminding myself who I am and what I carry into the environments I enter. 

I am His Daughter, I am loved, I am valued, I am worthy of love and to be loved.

I value love, honor, service, unity, freedom, generosity, good communicate, His word and truth. 

I am an apostle at heart with a Prophetic anointing to release Heaven to earth and build His Church throughout the world.

I am a born leader, I want to invest in the people God gives me, building team and leading others to be equipped and released to live out their identity and calling.

I am a writer of the Fathers heart, making Him fiercely known to a lost world, always pressing in for more of His heart.

He says…Mikaela, you are enough in Me.  I am with you, I am for you and already paving the road before you as you step out in faith.

You can do anything you set your mind to.  You have stamina, strength, and courage to push until you get to where you desire to go. 

Mikaela I believe in you and believe in the person you have become and are becoming. 

As hard as the sifting process can be, I will never trade it for anything.  Not only has it opened my eyes to the gold within me but also to the gold within others as well. 

Which only makes me wonder how would you answer these questions…

What has God been digging and mining out within your heart? 

What’s the gold within you?

What words do you or should you declare over yourself each day?

As always, questions to ponder…

And more pictures to make you smile!  Bella's first daddy/daughter dance! 


Who knew the doctor's office could be so fun?! 

This picture is a little outdated but in honor of our fast and furious Cyclones doing so well! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy President's Day! Do you know why we celebrate this day?!


Just imagine this as a giant inflatable in our neighbor's yard! Sadly, I couldn't get a picture as they took it down today because of the wind, but I would say they get the patriotic award! 

In case you are wondering how this holiday came about, below are some fast facts to keep your patriotic pulse on cue.  Hopefully you are lucky enough to be off of work as you read this!

President's Day was created by combing the birthdays of two American presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  Since both birthday are in February, leaders in government chose to honor both men on this day. 

Fast facts on President Washington: 

- His father died when he was only 11 and Washington then got a job measuring land which helped in later in fighting battles.

- It is reported he came back from battle with bullet holes in his jacket yet no injuries (talk about God's protection!).

- Washington was chose to be leader of colonial military on July 3, 1775.

- He actually lost more battles than he won.

- Washington's soldiers often found him on his knees, alone in the woods, praying for his soldier's safety and success in the war.

- He began our first President on April 30, 1789.

- Washington, DC and the Washington Monument are named for his, and he appears on the one dollar bill and 25 cent quarter.

Fast facts on President Lincoln: 

- Abraham's mother died when he was only 9.

- A year later, his father married, Sarah Johnston who continued to teach him the Bible.

- Abraham grew up in Kentucky, a slave state and later his family moved to Indiana, a free state, because they didn't believe in owning slaves.

- His Gettysburg address is considered one of the best political speeches ever written.

- Lincoln said the saddest time in his life is when he saw all the dead soldiers at Gettysburg and later told a pastor that he became a Christian after he visited Gettysburg and said he would need God's help to continue leading the country.

- Five days after the we won the war Lincoln was shot dead by John Wilkes Booth (t was Good Friday).  Lincoln's military guard was drunk and asleep.

- The Lincoln Memorial stands in the nation's capital to honor him and he is on the $5 bill and one cent penny.

Both Presidents are famous for their wisdom, strength, and faith in God. Their actions showed how much they believed in God and the Bible, which they both read.  

The very foundations of our nation were founded on Christian principles by God-fearing men.  If you look at the inner core of government today you will see how we are gravitating away from these foundations, and it's only to our harm, as we replace truth with lies.

I am praying that on this President's day, Godly men would be given positions of favor in our government and the unshakeable foundations in the Lord would all the more rule this nation and the hearts of the men who lead it.

As we say, God Bless, America! :) 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

To my friend Chuck, you will be forever missed!

A Tribute to my dear friend, Chuck

It is with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes that I write this blog of honor and love to my friend, Chuck who recently passed away.

His death came as an unexpected shock to all of us, as his heart failed him in the night.  Where do I even go from here? How do I even begin to process such a loss?

I suppose, right where it ended, with his heart. 

Chuck had such a big, generous, and loving heart, and I know these words below won’t do him justice but I will sure try my best.

The picture of him is so appropriate as the bottle states “more Jesus” because if you knew Chuck, you were automatically introduced to more of Jesus.  Every time you hung out with him, it was like you were hanging out with Jesus.  A man whose words always spoke life, encouragement, and love time and time again. 

I can still remember the times when he would give me a prophetic word, with tears in his eyes as he shared the very passion and heart of Jesus.

He was one of the those people who was continually calling out the gold in you, continually showing you what God made you to do and who God made you to be.  He saw the best in you, even if you weren’t living it yet. 

Chuck had an enormous impact on my spiritual walk, specifically with my Father in Heaven and the Holy Spirit, always showing me there was MORE I could press into.

Chuck never settled.  He wanted to see the Kingdom come and wanted to release the prophetic wherever he went and to who ever he met.  He was a Prophet with a capital P, forever encouraging and edifying the body of Christ. 

At the very heart of Chuck, was a heart of love.  I am not sure I have met someone who wanted so badly to see the body of Christ, BE the body of Christ.  A community who loved one another, and would lay down their lives for one another.  Again, with tears in his eyes he would often share with me the hurt he felt when people of the church were the ones responsible for such rejection and pain. 

Chuck lived from the passion of his heart displaying the entire Trinity.  He wasn’t just a Jesus guy but rather a guy who understood the love of his Daddy in Heaven, the friendship of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit.  This passion was released to whoever would receive it from him!

The legacy of Chuck is one I feel so blessed and privileged to have received and pray I am able to hold tightly to all the truth and love he expressed to me and others time and time again.

There’s so much in me that is still in shock of losing such a great friend and thinking God, what the heck? I don’t get it?  I guess it’s just another one of those questions that I have to trust to the One who holds all wisdom in the palm of His mighty hand.

My tears haven’t stopped flowing since I heard the news, and the memories continue to replay in my mind again and again.  I pray they would only sharpen as the years go on, as I know he is a friend who has sharpened my heart and my life, more than words can even say.

So in a tribute to my great friend, Chuck, I pray I would live full of LOVE today, as I release Heaven to Earth because I know that’s exactly what he would do. 

I love you Chuck and am incredibly thankful that God gave us a friendship on this earth and can’t wait to see you in Heaven.  I can imagine you are already dancing and getting drunk on Jesus as we speak – what you did best! :) 

You are now forever drinking Him up!  Heaven is surely having a party now! 
 Until I see you there…

Rest in peace, my dear friend and brother in Christ.  

A Poem for the Prophet  

My heart is so heavy, as I lost someone today.
He was a friend and a brother, so what else can I say?

A man of honor and respect, full of laughter and of love.
It’s still hard to believe, he’s now with His Daddy high above.

A man so lovely, a man so kind, there really isn’t a better friend,
On this earth you could find.

He was always ready with a smile, willing to go the extra mile.

He was always releasing Heaven to Earth, releasing everyone’s true worth.

His life was a testimony, for all the world to see,
His life was a mirror, of the entire Trinity.

And again and again the tears begin to flow,
Oh Daddy I miss this man more than these words can even show.

Love was all he knew and all he cared about,
Releasing His Daddy’s heart was all he ever spout.

A man of adventure and fun, always ready for the party,
Wherever he would go, laughter always was his hobby

His legacy will always be, of that of love and honor,
And calling out the gold within no matter what the hour.

So today I celebrate, Chuck, my friend and my brother, and to say to Him in Heaven,
My friend it was an honor!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A 7 year reflection...disappointment doesn't define me!

I have been reflecting a lot over the past 7 years, as I have journeyed from Ames, IA to Iowa City, IA to Sheffield, England, and now to Pawleys Island, South Carolina.  

My time in each place has been relatively short, yet my experience in each place has been extremely rich and full.    

As I forge ahead, wondering what new beginnings God has in store for me, this word of disappointment has crept up in my heart. 

Disappointment actually means to be depressed or discouraged by the failure of one’s hopes or expectations. 

The problem is I am not sure what I expected these last 7 years to look like, which makes it hard to pin point what exactly I am disappointed about.  Regardless of my expectations or lack there of, the word that jumped out to me was failure.    

A word I try to avoid at all costs!  My tendency is to find my worth in my achievement and performance rather than who God says I am, so if I am not careful I might look back on my time and see it through a lens that says Mikaela = failed.   

As I am moving forward, I realize that equation can quickly stop me in my tracks and derail my confidence. 

I know my Father in Heaven says, Mikaela = amazing beautiful success, but the challenge is keeping that truth in my heart. 

Disappointment isn’t something I want to carry around, but the reality is it’s not “disappointment” I am carrying around, it’s a truth about who I believe I am.

I don’t want to carry around a mindset that says I am a failure, because I know that’s NOT true, and won’t help me to push me ahead to conquer the new adventures that God has for me. 

So, I spent some time asking God what He says to keep reminding myself that Mikaela = beautiful amazing success.  Feel free to receive these words as well!

He says to me and you:

You are not a failure.  I don’t look at your life and see moments of failure. 

I see YOU. 

I see you on a journey, a journey of love, of life, and passion. 

I see ups and downs, highs and lows, BUT failure isn’t in my vocabulary for you. 

I see you victorious, I see you as an overcomer.

I see YOU, my daughter, ready to fly and ready to soar. 

Believe me, for who I see you as today!

Are you carrying around disappointment?

Are you carrying around a belief that you are a failure?

What’s the mindset you carry?

Believe Him, for who He says you are today!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What song do you blast out in the shower?

What song do you sing in the shower?

An odd question I know, but what is it about the shower that you feel the freedom to belt it out?

Maybe it is something about the sound mechanics which make your voice more appealing than it really is? Maybe it's something about being naked? (yep I said that)  Maybe the convenience of the shampoo serving as your microphone?  Maybe it's the freedom that no one is watching and you can be completely yourself?

Whatever it is, there is a freedom.  A freedom to sing and a freedom to be you.


Even if it's more like a cover song for AC/DC, you are singing it like it's yours!

This poem below reminds me that we all have a song to sing.  We were made with a specific vision, purpose, and plan, with the intention of being completely free to be who God made us to be.

We have a destiny to be realized and released.  A song in our heart, that longs to be set free.

So whatever yours is, I pray that you would declare it today, in and out of the shower!

The world needs YOU to show you up today!

Your Song Released

He has your purpose and your plan, it’s all in align 
Trust your Father above, who was here before time 

As your heart starts to sing, let your longing begin,
Let the desires inside, press out from within

Stand and shout and follow your heart
He’s here, with you now, ready to start  

He’s given you a voice, a song to sing
He’s made you to fly, He’s given you wings

Today is the day, so why delay?
There’s only thing you know you must say

It’s yes, oh yes, one hundred times yes
I am ready, pick me, and I will not digress

I will not hold back, I will not be shy,
For I know my Dad wants me to fly

Let my destiny be released, as I fly off my feet
Let my dreams and my life finally meet 

For I have a song I must sing, a voice to be released
Today is the day, I will not taste defeat

So yes is my answer and yes is my cry
I will not delay, I will never say die

To my purpose and my plan and all that’s within
To know I am alive, destined to win

So I am ready, let’s go, My Dad and I
Ready to conquer, ready to fly!