Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Have you experienced the happiest place on earth?

Disneyworld in snapshots!

The Beloved Mickey Mouse
 I confess I got goose bumps when we stepped into his green room

First ride - Merry-go-round


Walt and Mickey - where it all began! 

I believe TJ was riding Space Mountain during this picture!

Epcot - my favorite park of them all

I potentially had the best beer ever in "Germany" (grapefruit beer) 
Next trip here will be without kids!

Sophia the 1st 

We rode this ride a lot  
The People Mover (sit and watch people overhead)

A favorite of everyone. 


Disneyworld - bringing families together! :) 

A glimpse of our food intake - pure goodness! 

Apparently I only ever wore this Nike shirt the whole 3 days! 

Watching the Magic Kingdom parade - it's a lot to take in. 

This is how the Schaefer kids cope with a 7 hour car ride
 - media comatose! 

One of the many quotes we saw posted throughout the parks. 

Walt was truly a visionary and dreamer, who got things done.  
He has basically built a mini-empire in the state of Florida - the place has it's own gas station and highway system for goodness sake.  

BUT even with all the rides, entertainment, over zealous childhood heros, amazing food and all the rest of it I wasn't fooled.  

Jesus BY FAR remains the happiest place on earth.

On this Easter weekend holiday/vacation, I was increasingly thankful I knew Jesus. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The most powerful quote ever...just maybe...

After last Saturday night, never again could I say I did not know.

Awe-struck and overwhelmed I sat hearing story after story and statistic after statistic on the everyday reality of human trafficking all across the world.  I was enlightened and left with a burden to pray, pray, and pray for those who have found themselves in this awful situation.

Stacy, Anka, and Vicki are just a few of the names that still run through my mind, as well as the many mind boggling statistics that were shared that night.  One statistic stated that over 800,000 people are trafficked internationally each year, which is just one reason that human trafficking is now classified as worse than the slave trade years ago. 

The biggest eye opener was hearing how common trafficking is right here in America.  I don’t write this to scare you but rather to bring AWARENESS! The organization (Pearl Ministry) I have now connected with believes that awareness and prayer are two of the biggest solutions.    

After hearing these horrific stories I was shocked to find out that over 90% of those who find a way out, willingly go back to being trafficked. 

What? Why? 

It’s simple.  

They have become brainwashed and accustomed to being a victim.  They have NO self-esteem and think they are worthless and deserve to be treated in this way.  Their minds are completely subjected to those who are controlling them.  They have acquired a new “normal” and anything outside of this, is scary in it’s own right.  

BUT there is hope!  Those who experience a significant encounter with Jesus, rarely return!  We also heard testimonies of individuals who trafficked, who had radical encounters with Jesus and are now working to be part of the solution!  

At the end of the night, as we were praying for human trafficking in Myrtle Beach, I could see first hand what a spiritual issue this was and how vital the power of prayer is!

Like William, I now know too much.  I have heard too many sad, movie-like stories and I want to be part of the solution.  I believe our children will look back on this epidemic and wonder if their parents were part of the solution or choose to look the other way. 

Today, I am not choosing to look the other way.  I am choosing to pray, and if and when God wants me to use me in some capacity, I will be ready.

The statistics are staggering, the darkness around this problem is growing and it must be met with overwhelming LIGHT! If you know Jesus, YOU ARE THE LIGHT!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Are you READY for what God has for YOU?!

I strolled in late to church on Sunday and found myself near the back behind a family of four.  Two cute boys were in front of me, maybe around 4 and 5 years old.  Seeing as it was Palm Sunday, the two boys were absolutely loving waving around these palm branches!

Finally, I figured I better close my eyes and focus on Jesus, otherwise I will end up watching these boys have fun for the next 20 minutes.  It wasn't but a minute later, when WACK!  Palm branch straight to the face! I looked down and they had no idea what had happened, or at least they continued on as they didn't! From there I decided to sit down (out of the danger zone) and get out my journal.  The minute I did, God slowly started to speak these words below to me.

As my pen went to the paper, I pray these words hit your heart! 

I am about to stir something magnificent in the Heavenlies.  Something like you have never seen before.  Full of wonder and full of might. 

My vastness you have yet to see.  The vastness and greatness of my Glory. 

Those who have seen my heart will start to see in greater measure.  If you ask, you shall receive.  There is no limit to my resources and to my love.  So ask, ask, ask. 

I have enough for you. Enough is found in me. 

I am shaking and stirring in the Heavenlies, there will be a battle like you have never seen or heard. 

Pray, pray, pray for hearts to be awakened and for my word to be awakened.  For my glory to be released in the hearts of my people. 

This great work is not accomplished by those “committed” but by those who have surrendered to the heart of the Father.

 I am stirring deep, deep things in the hearts of my people.  So, get ready. 

Get ready to host my presence. 

My army is being raised up.  My army is made of many parts, and I am putting my people in their rightful place.  Don’t doubt where I am leading you, and what I am doing with you, and where I have placed you.  It’s for such a time as this.

Army rise up, so that praise, praise, praise will be on your lips, and worship, worship, worship will be on your hearts.

It’s not business as usual anymore, it’s not life as usual.  There is a new wave, new gifts, new anointings, and a fresh wind coming upon this land.

Will you hide in a hole and miss it? OR  Will you stand letting it move you where you are meant to go?

A covering is coming upon my people and this land.  My glory will be known, my glory will be seen.  My breath will blow.  It’s about to get windy. 

Army, are you ready?

Are you ready to host my presence? 

Who knew a good ole palm branch smack to the face is just what Thee Doctor ordered?! :) 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Has this year felt like a roller coaster?

Click, click, click, click, inching to the top, you can feel every snap of the coaster as the ground gets further away.  The anticipation rises, your stomach starts to churn, your hands tighten on the bar in front of you.  Turning to your friend, you can’t find words but instead a loud scream comes out of your mouth as if to say, WHAT WERE WE THINKING?

The coaster stands still for a moment and all of a sudden, AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Down, up, around, down, up, and around, and AHHHHHH!!!!! And down, up, and around, and AHHHH!!!!!

Your hair is a mess, your crying, laughing, ecstatic with energy, still shaking, and maybe a little sick.  The coaster hurls to a stop, and everyone is buzzing with excitement as you secretly wonder if that was the best or worst experience of your life.

Now the most important question arises, as someone shouts, let’s do it again!

So, will you ride again? 

I share this roller coaster experience for a few reasons.    

1.     I love roller coasters!!

2.     Rick Joyner, the President of a Christian ministry, prophesied that this year will be like a roller coaster with high highs and low lows. 

3.     I agree with #2 and already have experienced a roller coaster type of year.   

4.     I want to share with you a recent “high” in my life.

Last week I got the privilege of attending a Writer’s Conference in North Carolina.  It was 4 days of intense teaching and training on the ins and outs of what it takes to be a brilliant writer.  I learned A LOT and am still digesting all the nuggets of wisdom I heard throughout the week. 

This newfound “high” in writing has become a lifeline to me, and has been a great reminder to me of God’s faithfulness when I find myself in the low lows.

The roller coaster of life, is up and down and all around, and at the end of each ride (season), I am confronted with the same question. 

Will I ride again?  Will I be up for His roller coaster of life?

There's only one answer....AHHHbbbsolutely! 

Pictures from the Writer's Conference

One of my new friends, Ivete from Brazil!

Ivete, Deborah Joyner (speaker), & Me! 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Need a pick me up?

Your Father in Heaven speaks LIFE over you today! 

A movement is happening.  Do NOT worry.   

I am positioning my people, I am placing my people where they need to be.  

BE FAITHFUL.  Be my steady one, who seeks me, FOR ME. 


Pursue me so I can DUMP my buckets of LOVE on you.

Seek the good.  Seek the truth.  Seek love. 

I have MORE for you.  Believe me for MORE.  

He's raising up His army... Positions ready...