Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Are you in transition? My secret to Transition Tranquility!

Transition is a funny one. 

You are not quite gone, yet not quite there. 


Often hard, yet usually needed.


Moving mentally, physically, and spiritually. 


From point A to point B.

It seems someway or another we are always in state of transition.

Only briefly does there seem to be moments of stillness, rest, and normalcy.


How did Paul learn to be content no matter what the circumstance? 

How did he learn transitional tranquility?

The past 5 years have been a bit of transition for me, as I have moved to a new city, then a new country, then back to the first country, and then to a new state and city.  Yet through it all I am learning like Paul this mastery of being content.

My secret to transitional tranquility is this... 

Faithfully Thankful.

To faithfully keep walking where He leads.  Faithfully listening to His voice.  Faithfully responding to often just the one thing I know He’s asking me to do. Faithfully doing my best to love, trust, hope and believe.  And in all things being thankful.  Thankful for water to drink, a family to come home to, friends that I love, sports to watch, good food to eat, and the list goes on and on.  

Transition isn’t always easy and being faithfully thankful isn’t always easy. 

This picture below has continuously found its way into my life these past few years, whether I see in a store, in someone’s house, or even on cards people send me, I can’t escape it.  

It's been a reminder that in transition you often can’t see what’s ahead but must choose to keep walking faithfully, thankful. 

Faithfully Thankful. 

One secret to transitional tranquility, however long the season may last.  

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Are You Activating the Gifts God’s given You?

Birthday Boy Ethan with Sister Bella 

In route to wish my nephew a happy 3rd birthday, I patiently waited for my flight to begin boarding and noticed the majority of the people around me reading books.  It’s not uncommon and usually how travelers pass the time, me included.  But not this time.  

What was I doing?  I was writing!  Writing, writing, writing, my little heart out.  But more than that I was ACTIVATING the words God has spoken over my life. 

Last summer I heard God say, “Start writing.”  Start writing what? I wasn’t entirely sure, but I knew to start.  Therefore, these past months have been an adventure in discovering the gift, passion, and joy He has put in me to write.  I am still learning and growing, as He shows me my style and my voice, trying to enjoy the process, rather than throw in the towel each time I get frustrated.

It’s a process for sure, but I have been encouraged, as I have heard the Holy Spirit whispering the word “activation” to me.  To activate the gifts I have been given, activate the words over my life, and activate what I want to see manifest in my life.   

The word active means being in a state of existence, progress, or motion.  Of course it’s important for me to pray for God to answer my prayers, but sometimes I need to take it a step further, and actually put into motion these hopes. 

I know it’s God who makes everything grow (us included) but He still requires me to plant, water, and tend the seeds He’s put me.   

So as I looked around at the travelers with their heads in a book, I smiled to myself knowing that one day someone might be on a plane reading my book all because I was obedient to activate what I know God has put in me. 

So, today what gifts do you want to activate? 

What could you do today that might set into motion your dreams and desires?

This story below articulates the heart of activation, and I pray it ACTIVATES you into your destiny today!

Lottery Ticket

A story is told of a woman in desperate need of changing her financial situation so she goes to church to ask God for help.  “Dear Lord,” she prays, “if I don’t get some cash, I am going to lose everything.  Please let me win the lottery.”  Lottery night comes, but she doesn’t win.

The next week she prays even harder, “God, I am counting on you.  I need your help.  Please let me win this once.”  Lottery night comes and again no luck. 

A week later and still no richer, the woman prays one more time, saying, “God, I don’t seem to be getting through to you.  I have been really good.  Give me a break and let me win the lottery.” 

Suddenly, the Heavens open up and there is a blinding flash of light and a deep voice says, “Give me a break, lady! Buy a ticket!” 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How Flying Just Might Change Your Life!

Do you remember your first time flying?

Maybe you do.  Maybe you don’t.  I don’t remember mine but then again I was 5 years old headed to DisneyWorld so I think my main concern was Minnie Mouse. 

Recently, as I was flying through the air in route to the Schaefer farm, I realized what a privilege it is to fly.  Here are just a few of the reasons that sprang to mind:  

1.     It takes money.
2.     You can fly across the world in a day.  Seriously!
3.     You are served a free drink and pretzels while FLYING through the air. 
4.     You might have an opportunity to watch a movie.   
5.     If you are lucky your flight has Wi-Fi - posting on Facebook at 20,000 feet!
6.     If you have a lot of #1 you are probably in 1st class – endless drinks and snacks!

A few days ago as I found my way to exit row seat 13A, I was soon joined by my seat buddy who I will call Bob.  I never got his name, but he looked like a Bob, as he was decked out in a cowboy hat, boots, and even had dirt on his jeans, as if he literally just walked off the farm.  Come to find out, this was Bob’s first time flying. 

It was obvious as he listened intently to the flight instructions, securely fastened his seat belt, and when the pilot let us know there might be turbulence ahead, he made sure his seat belt was buckled, firmly around his waist.

Bob also couldn’t stop looking out the window.  Who can blame him?  The first time you see the view from a plane, it’s breathtaking, especially as we watched the sun go down.  Every time I am in a plane the view never ceases to amaze me.  Like clockwork, as I am staring out the window, seeing the world from a new and bigger perspective, God always seems to remind me of His bigger perspective which overlooks the earth and overlooks my life.  No matter what’s going on at the time, I feel a sense of peace and reassurance reminding me who’s in charge, knowing He sees every big and small detail.

As Bob flew for the first time, I imagine his perspective got a little bigger, and even on my 54th flight (or whatever it is) my perspective increased as well.

Flying is a privilege we often take for granted, and likewise so is perspective.  Every time I fly I sit amazed and alert to the beauty and brilliance of the view, and likewise I want to stay amazed and alert to God’s perspective, knowing there’s always more and new “views” He wants to show me as well.

Ding! Ding!  Once again the seat belt sign rings, and Bob quickly makes sure his seat belt is secure for landing!  

Monday, July 7, 2014

What would you do if you had no limits?

What would you do if you had no limits?

Would you write a book?  Would you start a business?  Would you travel overseas?  Would you become a rockette?  Would you work at a zoo?  Would you adopt?

It’s interesting, as I asked this question to a few different people over the past few weeks, I have been met with more questions than answers.  Less people seem to stop and dream and more people seem to question, doubt, and worry. 

A few months ago, I heard God ask me this very question, “What would I do if I had no limits?”

I must confess, I too didn’t quickly spat off loads of answers, but the more I started to dream, the more I couldn’t stop!  In doing so, my faith has increased and at the same time I have had to stand fear in the face and say, “You have NO place here.”  I am so tired of fear and letting a false nothing hold me back from what God has for me, but I digress that’s for another post!

Recently I read this prophetic word from Tim Sheets which said:

Right now God is opening doors for us to leap forward.  He is opening doors for us to surge ahead, and we are now going to run through open doors and spring into the future. 

Amen, Tim Sheets! I am ready to start running through open doors and leaping over what the enemy wants to put in my way.  I am tempted to start leaping places.  Seriously I am.  The Holy Spirit keeps whispering the word “activate” to me so I am doing my best to “activate” or set into motion His words.    

It’s a time for dreaming, it’s time for the dreamers to arise, and as we do we must get ready to LEAP, to BOUND, to FLY, into the calling God has for us.  

So today, as I got out of bed, I leaped to the bathroom.  I think I might make it part of my morning routine.  That may seem a little extreme and weird to you, BUT did you know the word weird actually means to pertain to destiny and suggesting the supernatural?

Count me in for more weird!

Lastly, I will leave you with a poem of Limitless Leaping!

Limitless leaping that’s what I do! 

I leap, I bound.
I transcend sound.

I leap to my destiny, I leap so high.
I leap out further, I touch the sky!

Leaping is my middle name.
Leaping never brings me shame.

Leaping is my very inner core.
Which means my life never is a bore.

Leaping is worth every cost.
Only then are limits lost.

I jump, I prance, I dance today. 
This freedom in me paves the way.

Limitless leaping is all I know.
As He forever runs the show.

Not a ceiling above or a box around.
But discovering what seemed lost has now been found.

Leap higher and wider and push the door.
Leap into your destiny, and you’ll discover so much more.