Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Yep, couldn't stay away...

Here's what I have been up to while back in the states...

- seen 3 movies (Sherlock Holmes #2, New Years Eve & Twilight #4) - I recommend them in that order!

- read the book The Call by Rick Joyner - so good I plan to read it again and really mull over it.

- a quick day in Ames, IA seeing some friends!

- watched American football!! :) Chiefs beating the Packers!!

- spent a day with Grandma running errands and living it up in Mason City, IA!

- started the Insanity workout DVDs again - man, you can get out of shape fast!

- began reading the Bible in chronological order

AND here are some pics with the wonderful Carrie Clement!

I was craving breakfast food so we went to IHOP - we both took a shot of half and half.
Sick Nasty - now I remember why I like my coffee black!

Yep, we know how to make a Friday night crazy!

And check out the video below you won't believe what else happened at IHOP!

So if you didn't catch that - she was clipping her sons fingernails at the table and if you look closely you can see pieces of the fingernails on the floor under their booth!
Sick nasty once again!

And it feels nice not to have to write anything under You said, Whhaatt?!! :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Coming back from "Canaan"

Recently, I was explaining to my brother Brandon some bits and bobs about my time in England so far. He made the connection how my time has been similar to Moses in Numbers 13 & 14. I couldn't agree more.

Here in Numbers it tells the story of how Lord told Moses to send in leaders to scout out of the land of Canaan. The leaders came back and told Moses they couldn't take the land - the people were too big, they were too small, basically the task was too large. Yet there was one leader, Caleb who believed the Lord was with them and they should go into the land! (that's the just of the story)

These past 2 months I definitely have been scouting the land and asking tons of questions like Moses asked in Numbers 14:18-20. Now with lots of those questions answered, I am praying this next month (at home) will serve as a great preparation time to head back into Sheffield once again!

It's easy to look ahead in disbelief at the tasks ahead that God has but I am also praying that the Lord would find me like Caleb - one with a different spirit and follows wholeheartedly (Num 14:24).

Possibly some more posts to follow this up, BUT it is the Holidays and I haven't watched football in 2 months, so just a heads up to my faithful followers that I might not be posting much in the next month....assuming that I can stay away! :)

AND a few last photos from the past few days!

In our huddle (discipleship group) everyone was real excited to open their Kinder Surprise. Basically chocolate with a "surprise" in the middle.

Sadly the surprise inside was highly you can see! :)

Or actually not see at all! :)

Although mine was pretty MONEY - it spins!

Our Church staff Christmas PAR-TAY!! Games, food, wine, hats - what else do you need?!

Rachel - she's just so cute!

This week we (church staff, youth team, youth) surprised Pippa with send off party! Basically a time where people got to share all the ways Pips is amazing and how she rocks at youth work!

One thing I love about this church - they do a great job at honoring people!! Encouraged and challenged by this.

You said, Whhaatt?!!:

Sorry I have been lazy and haven't been good at remembering all the different and crazy things these Brits say!! :)

Tuesday Ladies Prayer

Every Tuesday I get the privilege of spending time with some lovely older ladies. Our purpose in meeting is to spend time with the Lord!

Often this looks like soaking in worship music, journaling, praying silently, listening to the Lord, - whatever you fancy! (notice above)

If the fire is on I usually hunker down right beside it - best place to meet with the Lord as far as I am concerned! :)

We also spend time praying over one another AND I kid you not the other day as one of the ladies was praying about God's protection a feather fell into her hands.
These ladies pray with authority and power - I LOVE IT!
I am learning a lot from them and look forward to this time every week!

You said, Whhaatt?!:

If someone flashes their car lights at you it means thank you - not there's cops or deer to watch for!

Moreish - wanting more of something (Steve I still think you made this up!)

Wantish - my new word of wanting more of something! :)

Christmas Time!!

In light of Christmas I thought I would highlight a favorite festive dessert of the Brits -

Mince Pies!

Outside - quite beautiful

Inside - not as pretty but pretty tasty!

Here in England, no one puts their trash in the bin.

And they say we are lazy ones:)! Jokes, Jokes (as they say here)!

Crumpets (below) are my new favorite - remind me of pancakes!!

Thank you Pippa for this new find!

You said, Whhaattt?!:

Chinos - khakis

Cargo pants - khakis

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Well - Investing In World Changers

I would like to introduce you to my dear friend, Pippa!

Not only is she a wonderful friend, but God has given her a big heart for prison ministry and a great vision for what God could do in that place!

This past year God has been calling her out of her role at St. Toms Church to focus on starting a prison ministry.

Enter - The Well

Her inspiration for The Well comes from the Bible passage in the book of John, Chapter 4:1-42, when Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus knows this woman and the events of her life to date but does not judge her, instead He says to her whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring welling up to eternal life.” As a result of meeting him, the woman changed her ways, and the ways of the town in which she lived – opening it up to Jesus and His message of God’s Kingdom.

I believe this is how the young people we meet in custody will be changed, through an encounter with Jesus, and in turn impacting their family, friends, neighborhood or the whole town/city.

Pippa is in the beginning stages of getting The Well off the ground! This includes putting together a business plan, networking with churches all over England, raising up mentors for the young offenders once they get out of prison, and putting together a discipleship plan for the young men - just to name a few.

An added bonus - she can snowboard!

Another item on Pippa's to do list is raising support! As I have worked along side of Pippa - (helping her with the business plan details and thinking strategically) I can tell you it is well worth it to partner with The Well and the vision God has given her!


You can contact her at for more information or if you want to give to her financially!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Day in Chatsworth

A lovely weekend in Chatsworth!

Home of the Cavendish family (whoever they are) &
also the setting for the film Pride and Prejudice.

The estate itself.

More estates!

Great view both above and below! :)

Pippa & Rachel - you gotta watch these two!

As we waited for our Hot Pork Roll we were serenaded with some lovely Christmas music! Reminded me of my epic french horn days!

Yes it was a bit chilly!
Thankfully we had our hot chocolate and Baileys to warm us up!

We saw enough of these, we thought we best take a picture!

Mom - here is a little inspiration for our Schaefer family Christmas dinner! :)

Chandler - can be optional! :)

Dress up!!!

We couldn't get enough of dress up!

So pretty!

We got to put a wish on the Christmas tree!
Don't worry you will know in due time whether it comes true!

On the ceiling!

Thank you Chatsworth - you were good to us!

You said, Whhaat?!!:

Take away - carry out

Tyres - tires

Work - studying or homework

Friday, December 2, 2011


In honor of Gameday - Iowa State vs Kansas State

I was meeting up with Pippa the other day and as soon as she took her coat off I noticed her Kansas State sweatshirt. Is she a fan of the Wildcats?! Ahhhh not quite.

Every now and then I will see someone wearing a college shirt of some sort. Recent ones I have seen include Nebraska, Penn State, USC, and Ohio State to name a few. I have to come realize they aren't faraway fans - just a trend I guess?!

Interesting these Brits....then again if I get my hands on a Cambridge or Oxford shirt, I am wearing that thing everywhere!!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Time!

In light of Christmas I thought I would highlight a favorite festive dessert of the Brits -

Mince Pies!

Outside - quite beautiful

Inside - not as pretty but pretty tasty!

Here in England, no one "scraps" but they leave their empty cups on the tables and they say we are lazy ones:)! Jokes, Jokes (as they say here)!

Crumpets (below) are my new favorite - remind me of pancakes!!

Thank you Pippa for this new find!

You said, Whhaattt?!:

Chinos - khakis

Cargo pants - khakis

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Beer Tour....

While living in England I am trying to take advantage of the variety of beers I can't experience in the states.
Here's my "beer tour" thus far - kind of pathetic only 3 beers! :)

Export Lager - not bad, not bad.

Gaymers (left) - had a sip / little fruity
Tiger (right) - would go great w/ chips and salsa

Harvest Ale - not my favorite

You said, Whhaatt?!:

Flat - dead (reference to phone)

Suits you - looks good on you (I get this all the time! HA!)

I couldn't care less - we say I could care less which obviously doesn't make sense at all :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Random Photos...

Good friends.... Good times....

Another night cuddled up on the couch watching endless episodes of Prison Break.
Let's just say it's addicting! :)

I spent the other night with these two crazy men - Jonny & Pete!
We basically spent most the night prophesying over one another - good clean fun!

Pippa's Birthday Party!

This teapot is deceiving - there wasn't any tea in it, only a tasty fruity rum mix! :)

Ice cream goodness - finally! :)

You said, Whhaat??!! -

Rota - rotating schedule

Pie - doesn't usually mean dessert

Mardy - bad mood

Fringe - bangs