Here's what I have been up to while back in the states...
- seen 3 movies (Sherlock Holmes #2, New Years Eve & Twilight #4) - I recommend them in that order!
- read the book The Call by Rick Joyner - so good I plan to read it again and really mull over it.
- a quick day in Ames, IA seeing some friends!
- watched American football!! :) Chiefs beating the Packers!!
- spent a day with Grandma running errands and living it up in Mason City, IA!
- started the Insanity workout DVDs again - man, you can get out of shape fast!
- began reading the Bible in chronological order
AND here are some pics with the wonderful Carrie Clement!

I was craving breakfast food so we went to IHOP - we both took a shot of half and half.
Sick Nasty - now I remember why I like my coffee black!
Yep, we know how to make a Friday night crazy!
And check out the video below you won't believe what else happened at IHOP!
So if you didn't catch that - she was clipping her sons fingernails at the table and if you look closely you can see pieces of the fingernails on the floor under their booth!
Sick nasty once again!
Its really a shame that your favorite Target worker has retired from cashiering. I know it was a highlight to run into her during your winter breaks from college.