This blog is for YOU! It is my attempt to keep you updated on what God is doing in Iowa City!
I am SO grateful for your support and prayers and want to do the best I can to make you feel a part of the work He is doing here because YOU ARE!
I named this blog Front Lines because that’s where I feel like I am – on the Front Lines of ministry. As cheesy as that title is - it is so true and I can't wait to share all the stories I hear about and see each day!
I will do my best to post lots of pictures with my posts because we all know that's what makes a truly great blog! I thought I would start with pictures of my beloved staff team! They are amazing and can't imagine doing ministry without them! They will probably each get their own post in the days to come, but for now here's a brief introduction!
The Veritas Staff Team - aren't we pretty!?
Me - What don't I do?!
Jeff Thune - Theologian (He's in seminary) :)
Mark Arant - Our Fearless Leader
Carrie Clement - All things college women
Clint Robinson - Da' Music Guy

Yay! So excited to hear more of what God is using you for in IC :) Love that you're still representing ISU amongst those Hawkeyes ;)