This weekend I read this book and 23 Minutes in Hell (below). It was a great way to head into Easter Sunday.
This book did an excellent job of giving me a glimpse into Heaven and a renewed excitement for what awaits me someday!
Great reminder of the HOPE & PROMISE we have that goes beyond this life!

I can't even begin to describe the differences between these two books. The detail of what this guy describes Hell being like is unimaginable. Again I was even more thankful for my salvation in Jesus Christ knowing that He has saved me from Hell.
There were moments in this book where I had to stop and try to let it all sink in and let my stomach settle for a moment. It's hard to fathom how wonderful Heaven will be but for me it's even harder to imagine how awful and terrible Hell will be for those who don't choose to follow Jesus in this life. Probably because I just don't want to.
One of my favorite lines from this book - "Hell is void of everything good, because everything good comes from God and God is no where to be found."

A lot of people are pretty skeptical of Bill Johnson (author) and I understand why, but as I have read his books and listen to his podcasts I usually like what I hear. And Bill (more than a lot of people) challenge and encourage me and get me excited to get after the Kingdom of God!
I am in the middle of this book and am really loving the challenge to think differently about what I am filling my mind with and reality of the Holy Spirit's power in my life!

So I started this book awhile back and have gotten a little distracted with other books.
BUT from what I remember it was GREAT and I am excited to get back into it.
The just of the book - Being THANKFUL in the everyday!

I am going through this book with some other people here in Iowa City and am enjoying reading about what the Bible has to say about Prophecy!
Some topics include : prophets vs. prophecy, foretelling vs. forthtelling, word of knowledge and gift of prophecy, Old Testament and New Testament Prophecy.
Maybe more to come on this in the future!

Finally the last book that I have been sifting through!
I am loving reading this book as it highlights two commom themes throughout the Bible which include:
Covenant - the way in which the Bible describes and defines relationship
Kingdom - the way in which the Bible describes and defines responsibility
Excited to dig more into this one!
AND I would love hear any good books that you are reading lately that I need to put on my list!
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