Have you ever found yourself in a season of waiting?
I am realizing how hard it is to wait and at times how awful I am at it. I find myself stressing and worrying about all these details that I really have no control over but instead I have to trust that God will follow through.
As Americans I think we are generally bad at waiting - everything about our culture screams efficiency & fast! And frankly I like it! BUT how does this help me learn to wait on God and His promises?
When I am waiting in line at the Diary Queen (I pray there's DQ in England), I am pretty patient to wait for my French Silk Blizzard, but even after awhile I start to get a little anxious, irritated, and impatient that it's taking so long. I mean what did they have to go and milk the cow?! (You know we have all said it!)
The same is true as I find myself waiting on God. I am really not waiting on Him but the gift that I am hopefully about to recieve! I don't think it's always bad to be waiting on His good gifts BUT I never want the gift to become what I am desiring over the Giver.
So as I am in that "waiting room" my expectation has started to change. What I am expecting now is Him and He will never disappoint.
AND a great thing to do while you are waiting is to visit your adorable nieces!
Here are some pics from my latest visits:)!
Bella - When she makes that face basically she gets whatever she wants.
I am a sucker for adorable what can I say?
Walking w/ Aunt Mikaela
Eva below - I am sure I was the one making her laugh:)

This little lady never stops!