These two pictures have nothing to do with this post,
other than they are my adorable beautiful nieces who need to be shown off:)!

Eva, above and Bella, below!

On to my post...
As I have been reflecting on this past year and looking ahead at the one to come, its been fun to see where God has taken me and where He is leading me. Phillipians 1:6 - putting on paper the good work God is doing in me.
The season I am walking away from:
- Learned about & experienced God's LOVE for me more than ever. It became more than just words I say but actually emotions and feelings and truth I believed.
- Prophecy, hearing from God, listening to God (whatever you want to call it). I learned what the Bible had to say about, I practiced it, I watched others practice it, and I grew closer to Jesus through it. I am more than excited to continue strengthening this spiritual muscle.
- Gifts, Abilities, Talents : I am maybe the most confident I have ever been in knowing my gifts and how I function in the Kingdom of God! :)
- Just by nature of a church plant, I spent a lot of time "doing" and building relationships.
The season I am stepping into:
- Adventure : God has told me this, other people have told me this, it's not hard to believe. I just hope I am ready:)
- Rest : I want to know what real rest is, not what our culture calls rest, but how God truly designed us to rest.
- "Being" with God : I am good at "doing", but I know God wants to teach me more about what it means to really abide with Him - that my doing would come from my being.
- FUN & JOY : I have fun, I am joyful, but I am getting a sense that God wants to release me to a new level with this - maybe not take myself so seriously:)!?
What seasons are YOU leaving and entering into?!
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