One benefit of waiting for my visa to come is getting to go on wonderfully wicked fun trips like the one I took over my birthday weekend! :)
Last Friday I flew into Newark, NJ - took the 3 hour train to the ISU vs UConn game - spent the night in Hartford, CT - got a free ride back to New Jersey with the Huhn's (loads of fun!) - had a lazy birthday night still basking in a Cyclone victory - spent the next day at New York Jets game - and spent the rest of my time enjoying the company of good friends and taking in the sites, sounds, and smells of Parsippany, NJ! Here are my pictures to prove it all! :)
My train was a little late in arriving, but have no fear with my luggage in tow,
I made it just in time for the game!!

Ohh golly, aren't we cute?! Now for a little name drop...
Haley is Coach Rhoad's niece! It's good to have connections!

We made some friends at the game! I LOVE Cyclone fans!

We met Darius Reynolds #7 - aka Money!
He is a stud and practically won the game for ISU!
looooooooooooooved every second of it!! :) :)