Awhile ago someone asked me what will change in my life once I am done working at Veritas.
My response - "Hopefully nothing"
An example of this is Katie & Megan. These past two months God has given me the privilege of meeting with them and seeing first hand His redeeming work in them!

Megan (left) & Katie (middle)
We spent an afternoon on the softball field - pure delightful! Reminds me of the good ole days!

Here's Megan trying to teach me how to juggle. When I first met Megan she had a lot of questions and was intrigued by my walk with God. I did a lot of talking and she did a lot of listening and not much talking. She knew about God but knew there was so much more she was missing.

About 1 minute into learning how to juggle, I said "I don't think I am going to get it, mainly because I don't care." Not having a job leaves me highly unmotivated from time to time!

Here's Katie putting me to shame juggling. When I first met Katie she was lost - simple as that. She had TONS of questions and little self esteem (she barely looked at me our first convo). She has had a hard past to say the least which has allowed for some great honest and real conversations.

Katie is also going to play softball at Luther College. She's legit!

Yes, I just threw 5 balls up in the air. Don't be impressed!
AND here are some more shots with me in the gear!

I know. I look tough! :)

These past couple months God has done nothing but bring these two closer to Him, it's been AWESOME to be on the Front Lines :) of their stories!
These paragraphs give you a glimpse into what God has done!
Katie's recent revelation - it's MONEY!
Everyone fears death and mourns those that they have lost but shouldn't we be doing the exact opposite? Now I'm not saying we should want to die and that we should be happy when people pass away, but we should look at it as a miraculous thing. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and if you know God, death will be the best thing that ever happened to you. Yes we all have things we want to accomplish and we all want to live long lives and we should do our best to do that, but living on Earth is nothing compared to living in Heaven. Heaven is the most amazing place ever created and God gives us the privilege of being able to go there for eternity.
Megan's recent thoughts on this upcoming year - again MONEY!
My biggest theme recently is being more conscious of living my life for him. I’ve always been a relatively nice person (no smart remarks please), I liked doing nice things for people but I did them selfishly, not to glorify him. I started a daily devotion before I leave for school in the morning and it’s been awesome. I love going into the day thinking “what is HE going to do today?”
God's also teaching me that he’s always there! Every time I even think about taking my eye off him he has been sending BIG signals (kinda like a fire…) to remind me of his love and his plan for me. It’s such a relief to trust him and not try to plan everything myself.
It's relationships like these that make the
waiting (for England) totally worth it!
kinda like a fire:)!! Hahaha:) Love it! and I love you! :)