Think of the hardest thing God has ever asked you to do.
Now imagine your Abraham and God is asking you to sacrifice your only son.
I can't even imagine doing that, let alone having a son right now! HA! Regardless I think we can learn a thing or two from a few "steps" Abraham took in following through with what God asked of him. Here's what I gathered after re-reading the account in Genesis 22.
1. Early the next morning Abraham set out - v. 3 (without delay he obeyed)
2. When he had cut enough wood - v. 3b (he prepared for what was ahead )
3. We will worship - v. 5 even in the midst of something hard he worshiped! (I am so curious what this looked like and what was going through his heart, especially with his son right next to him)
4. he himself carried the fire and the knife - (maybe I am reading too much into this but there seems to be a sense of responsibility/ownership in him carrying this vs his servants)
5. God himself will provide the lamb - v. 8 (he continues to speak truth)
6. Then he reached out his knife to slay his son - v. 10 (follow-through)
7. There in the thicket he saw a ram - v. 13 (God's faithfulness)
8. v.15-18 - Rewards of obedience
And on a less serious note here are pictures from yet another wedding!
I must admit I am not a big wedding fan BUT these past two have been a blast!

Margy - she can't keep her hands off me! Who can blame her?! HA!
My partner in crime : Executive Buxton with Executive Schaefer
or should I say Ruth and Anita?! (It's a long story)

Donnelly - what a lovely lady! We were trying to spell out KLMJ (her Dad's radio station)Another long story!
Ohhh Margy - She's one of those friends that we never really hung out in college,
but now we are "tight" - as they say!

AND last BUT not least the Beautiful Bride - Mrs. Stephanie Larscheid
Steph and I meet the first day of college and were best buds ever since!
The first day we met I asked her if anyone ever called her "phanie" instead "steph".
She laughed and said No BUT somehow the nickname stuck!
Your welcome StePHANIE:)! It's amazing after that we remained friends.
Some of my best times were had with this lovely lady! She will always remain a favorite friend of mine and I will always smile when I think about our times together!
Congrats Steph:)!
1. You look HOTT in that dress. And, I have the same style but in navy blue with patterns on it. LOVE IT on you!
ReplyDelete2. Dang I'm so proud of you.
Gorgeous - all of you! I can't believe you didn't mention "Braces," I'm literally shocked.
ReplyDeleteHey! In reading this-your comment about worship made me think of a sermon I just listened to (from Spurgeon's church) and thought you might be interested! -Katie