Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Time!

In light of Christmas I thought I would highlight a favorite festive dessert of the Brits -

Mince Pies!

Outside - quite beautiful

Inside - not as pretty but pretty tasty!

Here in England, no one "scraps" but they leave their empty cups on the tables and they say we are lazy ones:)! Jokes, Jokes (as they say here)!

Crumpets (below) are my new favorite - remind me of pancakes!!

Thank you Pippa for this new find!

You said, Whhaattt?!:

Chinos - khakis

Cargo pants - khakis

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Beer Tour....

While living in England I am trying to take advantage of the variety of beers I can't experience in the states.
Here's my "beer tour" thus far - kind of pathetic only 3 beers! :)

Export Lager - not bad, not bad.

Gaymers (left) - had a sip / little fruity
Tiger (right) - would go great w/ chips and salsa

Harvest Ale - not my favorite

You said, Whhaatt?!:

Flat - dead (reference to phone)

Suits you - looks good on you (I get this all the time! HA!)

I couldn't care less - we say I could care less which obviously doesn't make sense at all :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Random Photos...

Good friends.... Good times....

Another night cuddled up on the couch watching endless episodes of Prison Break.
Let's just say it's addicting! :)

I spent the other night with these two crazy men - Jonny & Pete!
We basically spent most the night prophesying over one another - good clean fun!

Pippa's Birthday Party!

This teapot is deceiving - there wasn't any tea in it, only a tasty fruity rum mix! :)

Ice cream goodness - finally! :)

You said, Whhaat??!! -

Rota - rotating schedule

Pie - doesn't usually mean dessert

Mardy - bad mood

Fringe - bangs

Monday, November 21, 2011

Culture of Honor...

I am currently reading the book Culture of Honor. I am challenged to say the least. Below are a few paragraphs from the book, but I would recommend putting this book on your Christmas list so many good nuggets in here!

The truth is we give everyone in our circle of influence what we know, a relationship culture that is either rule-driven or love-driven. And only one promotes honor, because only one accurately acknowledges the fullness of our God-given identities. There is no culture of honor without a strongly shared belief that we are free sons and daughters. We always pass on what we know and what we have.

Honoring (putting others above yourself), then "equipping the saints" becomes a matter of extending honor by releasing every person into his or her unique identity or destiny. Each believer comes to understand his or her significance to the whole Body, and the conviction begins to take hold: "I carry something that no one else carries. I must develop and release my gifts into the Church and the world and do my part in bringing Heaven to earth." Honor empowers people.

When our children don't need to be punished for their sin and they begin to learn that the priority when they fail is restoring their relationship rather than accepting punishment, they begin to cultivate a high value for relationships as the priority in our culture. This is how we teach people to live a life of love and liberty, and how we learn the power of trust and intimacy.

More to come on this book - I am only in Chapter 4 :)

Here are a few pics from my English Thanksgiving!!

Our Young Adult core team got together last night and
they did a great job at making me feel right at home!

They even tried to name all the 50 states.
I am still impressed as they were only two short!

Not gonna lie, Ally was the real champion in naming the states!

You said, Whhaattt?! -

Term - semester

Cricket & Netball - two games that are played a lot here which I have no idea how to play

Tick - check


I love nicknames. Many of you probably have one or more that I have given you at some point, and I think I finally realized part of the reason I love them.

As I was reflecting on the names I call my Father in Heaven I was realizing how unique and personal each name is - my Master, my Judge, my Creator, my Father, my Daddy, etc... they each have so much depth, power, and intimacy that goes beyond the name and different times call for different names. So the same is true of nicknames - there's depth and intimacy that comes with each name.

So, if the time comes and I want to give you a nickname or two or three - I hope you feel blessed! I am just trying to create a bit of depth in our relationship:)!

Sorry no pictures to post, but instead click here for an inspirational speech from Coach Rhoads! I am definitely missing watching my Iowa State Cyclones!

You said, Whhaat?!! -

Bits and bouts - this and that

Salad - lettuce

The Kiddos!

I have been blessed with a plane ticket home for Christmas!! :)

Here are 3 reasons why I am so excited to journey home!

1. Eva Joelle

2. Isabella Marie

3. Ethan James

Get ready kiddos, your favorite Aunt is coming to town!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Student Adventures!!

This past weekend some of our students went for a little adventure in the Peaks. Most of my pictures ended up being photos of Steve & Jon "posing" for the camera!

And they begin...

I think they spotted a Mountain Lion below!!?!

What studs!

Kite flyers and wind sailers below.
Sorry I never actually got pics of them in the air:(

Afterwards we went to a Pub. You have to be 18 to buy alcohol in the UK,
but apparently that day I looked 17 - just water for me...

Have no fear, where there's a will there's a way!!

This one is a bit creepy! :)

You said, Whhaatt?!! -

Bonnie - lovely

Stag - bachelor party

Hendo - bachelorette party

Monday, November 14, 2011

International Students....

God is rocking and rolling with the International students who have found their way to our church! Here's a little taste of what's shaking...

Amy & Elsie

Last week at Starbucks these ladies asked me why Christians celebrate Christmas.
Another great opportunity to share the Gospel!

On Wednesday we all made dumplings together - quite tasty!!

One of the guys, Cedric said it was the first time he realized the
Bible was useful for living life really well - they are liking this Jesus guy!

Appreciate your prayers for these guys!

You said, Whhaatt?! -

Jumper - sweater

Pancakes - crepes

To Let - to rent

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Visuals of where I live...

Here are some visuals of the places I frequent each week!

The door on the right is mi casa and su casa if you come visit me!!

Tesco - where I get my groceries

Starbucks - yep.

The pics below are a few of the church buildings.
They were old warehouses that have been coverted into office space!

Every morning at 9am our staff meets here for a time of prayer and worship!

Office Entrance - where the magic happens!!

You could call this an Equipping Room.

If you have any other photo requests, let me know!!

You said, Whhaatt?! -

MacDonalds - McDonalds (they say Mac, not Mic)

Weekend away- retreat

Ring you - call you

Weekend Pics...

A few fun photos from the weekend!!

Happy Bunch!

Tour Guide - Sam!

Strike a pose!

We are spelling out, Sam - incase your wondering! :)

You say, Whhaat?! -

Here's just a few words they spell wierd:)

Mum - mom

Favourite - favorite

Honour - honor

Realise - realize

Monday, November 7, 2011


Since being here I have loved the challenge I have experienced in my walk with God and also with the student ministry - always asking the hard questions and praying into how we can do things better.

Here's a few of the stats and questions we have been chewing on...

Our job is not to fix people's issues, it's to train and equip them to work them out and live out of their identity and purpose. How are doing with this?

75% of 15-30 year olds have no contact with church - this should shake us to the core. Does it?

Are you looking for growth (#'s) or fruit? It's easy to grow a church (#'s), but where's the fruit?! This should be our measure.

We should have a Holy discontent for what God wants to do.

Are we creating strategies for making disciples that are multipliable?! (love this one!)

And...a few random photos...

Apparently this is the fashion with the young kids these days.
I am wondering if this fad has hit the states yet?!

We found a mini-American football - let's just say added entertainment!

Sam, Nick, and I have started watching Band of Brothers (which I am holding)! Sam said I needed to do an action shot - this seemed appropriate.

Sam and I have started a "reading club" which either means reading Scripture aloud to one another, chatting about the ladies he may or may not fancy, or actually reading! :)
Sam is so spiritual look at all those Bibles he has!!

You said, Whhaatt?!

I have tea all the time, my guess is about 3 cups a day on average:)! I might have to purchase a kettle when I get back to the states! Most Brits drink it with a dash of milk but not me....straight black!

Pudding - dessert

Nick - steal

Adverts - advertisements

La La La La Learning Community

Last week our student ministry team got the chance to participate in a Learning Community. It was a 2 day time of training and planning for the next 6 months (we will have 4 total over a 2 yr time). We had lots of great discussion and teaching (mostly by our team leader, Rich) who lead the time!

Here's the team - Nick, myself, Ben (guy from another church), and Rich!

We had lots of challenging questions that caused us to think a little harder about what we desire to accomplish as a student ministry. The picture above is what we hope to Start, Stop, Change, and Develop by the year 2013.

At the end of our time, we walked away with a 6 month plan of attack of where we felt like God is leading our ministry! More to come on the details of this!!

An added bonus was getting to mix it up with 10 other student ministries in England who are getting after it. We had lots of time to glean some wisdom from one another and hear how God was working in student ministries all throughout England!

You said, Whhaat?! -

Mental - crazy person

Fresh - chilly / cold

Have a think - think about it

Return - round trip (in regard to flights)