Sadly I forgot my phone adapter so I don't have too many pics, but here's a taste of a sweet weekend in Norway!!

Here's part of the crew - Shawn, Nick, and Jonny.

We meet some sweet people from all over the world at the conference.
I made sure to take a pic with Victoria (left) - she's from Amerrrica! :)

They still make these! Schaefer family Christmas gifts?!! :) Time will tell!

Norwegians love their ice cream and they even make their pizza into ice cream. Let's just say after eating one you want to don't want to look at another one. Nasty nast!
A few other highlights from our time:
- Prayed for a woman with a spine injury who couldn't walk AND was HEALED!!!
- Another person commented that I already have a bit of an accent!! :)
- 24/7 buffet which my team visited a lot
- Spent time praying for each other within our team
- Taking walks in Tonsberg along the coast - beautiful!
- Jesus Culture leading worship all weekend
- Praying for Trina - woman with cancer
- Leaving home at 3am and arriving back home at 3am!
You said, Whhaatt?! -
Trolley - shopping cart
Trousers - pants
Stone - 12 pounds - they describe weight in stones
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