At the heartbeat of Philly church are Missional Communities. In a word - families. They are made up of 20-40 people who are intentionally on mission together. Last week we kicked off our student Missional Communities.
The intent of these groups are to bring people into a place where they feel like they can belong and can experience life on life relationships. Not only do they meet as a big group but also in smaller groups throughout the week.
Right now our Missional Communities are in a season of abiding with God together and building true families within their groups. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for these groups! Come on Lord!!

Jon & Mina are one of our Miss Comm leaders
Don't they just look like they get things done!
Along with a few of their key people as well!

Steve & I are heading up the international students. Our first week we had 9 in attendance, which is pretty sweet considering we went from zero to 12 in about two weeks! Pray for them as we dive into Matthew!
You said, Whaatt?! -
Are you ok? - How are you doing? At first I thought everyone was worried about how I was doing or maybe I looked ill all the time. Nope. :)
Post - mail
Bin - trash
Broody - want a baby
love this! and love YOU!! - rachel