This season of waiting has allowed me some extra time to bask in the glory of American entertainment! It's a beautiful thing! Here's what I have been busy with.
Music - Last 5 purchases on Itunes - Marry You, Bruno Mars : The Earth is Yours, Gungor : Adoleo Worship CD : Good Life, One Republic : Feels like Home, Chantal
Movies - Always a passion of mine - just went to Moneyball, highly recommend it! I am slacking in this area as of late, so I might have to take a visit to the local theaters this week!
Sports - Football mainly - if it's on I am usually watching it. I am not a huge fan of baseball, but I am sure I will have no problem diving right into the playoffs as I am semi watching them as I write this now.
Hand-held device - I recently purchased the Droid 2 Global so I am usually on this while doing one of the above. Let me know if there's any good apps I am missing!
IPad2 - Occasionally I will jump on my Mom's IPad and lose myself in Harbor Master. That game is like crack! Not that I have ever tried crack but you get the idea! :)
Here's a few pics from this past weekend!
The Little Man in his gear!!!

She's already living in the legacy of her mother,
who was on the ISU pom squad!
This weekend we also spent a day at the Center Grove Orchard - this place is bomb!!

See what I mean! Slide and wheel barrows for when you get tired!

AND below are just some snap shots I couldn't help but posting!!

AND Ms. Bella again!
Bella is TRUE BEAUTY!!! Seriously, I think she might be the most gorgeous baby ever!