I am not really a sucker for TV. I can only think of 3 shows that I have got sucked into this past year. Those being Suits on USA, The Office, and The Biggest Loser.
BUT here's my top 10 reasons why I keep coming back to The Biggest Loser and will probably Hulu it while in the UK.
1. Overweight people dropping loads of pounds week after week! Does it get more inspirational than that?!
2. Bob Harper - what a stud!!
3. It goes deep! With each contestant they get to the root issue of how they got that big. Every issue seems to come back to their worth. They don't find themselves deserving, worthy, or good enough, etc...
4. Therefore, they don't even realize it but it all comes back to their identity! The trainers are continually speaking truth over who they are or more importantly who God has declared us to be - Worthy, Good Enough, Beautiful...
5. When the contestants start believing their real identity - a definite shift in their progress begins!
6. Jillian Michaels - she grew on me what can I say?! Sad to see her go.
7. They might not deal with conflict in the healthiest of ways, but regardless it's dealt with!
8. There's lots of healthy competition throughout the show - LOVE IT!
9. Community! Many contestants have made the comment that they feel like they are family with the other contestants. Truly life on life right before our eyes!
10. Makes you cry - even I have teared up!
AND I figured this would be a great last post while I am still in the States. Nothing says, Amerrrica like The Biggest Loser! Can I get an Amen?! :)
Here's a few pics from my recent "goodbyes"
Stacey - she's been a solid friend through the years!!
I will miss you too Stacey!

Ohh my Boccella - good good stuff!

I have been doing lots of this - you just can't beat a good hug!

My Dear Friend - Jess.
What a stud! This girl and I have a lot of history - 6 years worth!
She was in the first Leaders' Group I ever lead at Cornerstone Church!
AND believe it or not she's still walking with the Lord:) HA!

AND Jess how are you still single?! Shoot, girl!!!
AND did you know I was stepping on your foot?! :)
Ahhh I was watching The Biggest Loser last night and was wondering if you were watching this season :)