On our way to another adventure in the Peak District w/ Nick, Mina, and Sam!
We saw a couple of these - along with a huge dam. Wicked cool.

We stopped to do a little stone skipping.
Sam - in true form. Did I mention he competes in Strong Man?
Mina :)

I think it was about this point where we decided to continue to walk all the way around. Little did we know that this would add an additional 2 1/2 hours of walking to our adventure!

But it's ok - we all love each other!
You said, Whaaat?! –
The stop lights are opposite and go from red to yellow to green and if it's flashing yellow and there are no cars then you can go.
Most homes don't have dryers (mine included)
Diary - calendar
Washing - laundry
Petro - gas
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