Monday, October 17, 2011

I made it!

Hello Amerrrrica! I made it!

Do you miss me yet?! That’s what I thought! :)

God has been SO faithful to allow Sheffield to already feel like home to me. One of these ways is with my two housemates, Nick & Sam.

This is a classic Nick picture. He is full of a lot of Joy & Laughter which makes living with him a complete blast and an added bonus is that he's a great cook! I already have been blessed with some of his fine English cooking! He also works with me with student ministry.

Sam - he's always up for a good time and a good laugh! He's definitely a man's man, as I thought it was hilarious he downed this can of beans straight from the can before supper. The guy has a wicked metabolism! He's also introducing me to Rugby on Saturday - I am excited!!

More to come on both of these lads (and pics) but wanted to give you all an initial introduction!

ALSO, each week I plan to post a few things under (You said, Whaaat?!) that I have learned or experienced from being here.

You said, Whaaat?! ---

First of all, you would be surprised how many times I have no idea what someone just said and find myself saying, “Ahhh, what?!” Below are a few words that I have picked up that I hear a lot and I am sure there are many more to come!

Uni – term for the University or going to University

Carnage - disorganization

Darby - sports match between two city rivalries

Lads - Guys


  1. Oh, Leeka ... not sure England knows what they're in for now that you're around! :)

  2. I love it! When can Haley and I come visit? Next week? ;) Let's be honest, she probably already has the tickets purchased...
