Since being here I have loved the challenge I have experienced in my walk with God and also with the student ministry - always asking the hard questions and praying into how we can do things better.
Here's a few of the stats and questions we have been chewing on...
Our job is not to fix people's issues, it's to train and equip them to work them out and live out of their identity and purpose. How are doing with this?

75% of 15-30 year olds have no contact with church - this should shake us to the core. Does it?
Are you looking for growth (#'s) or fruit? It's easy to grow a church (#'s), but where's the fruit?! This should be our measure.
We should have a Holy discontent for what God wants to do.
Are we creating strategies for making disciples that are multipliable?! (love this one!)
And...a few random photos...

Apparently this is the fashion with the young kids these days.
I am wondering if this fad has hit the states yet?!

We found a mini-American football - let's just say added entertainment!

Sam, Nick, and I have started watching Band of Brothers (which I am holding)! Sam said I needed to do an action shot - this seemed appropriate.

Sam and I have started a "reading club" which either means reading Scripture aloud to one another, chatting about the ladies he may or may not fancy, or actually reading! :)
Sam is so spiritual look at all those Bibles he has!!
You said, Whhaatt?!
I have tea all the time, my guess is about 3 cups a day on average:)! I might have to purchase a kettle when I get back to the states! Most Brits drink it with a dash of milk but not me....straight black!
Pudding - dessert
Nick - steal
Adverts - advertisements
The "accent nail" has definitely been going strong in the States, as well :)