Monday, September 30, 2013

Shift Happens.

Now that I have your attention, you have probably noticed the weather is changing and Fall is upon us, unless your living in beautiful South Carolina like me and summer still lingers! Then again I am remembering life in England when I would probably already have my electric blanket out and my slippers on!  Can I get an Amen, English friends?! 

All to say there is a SHIFT in the air.  Not only physically but definitely spiritually as well.  In March God said this to me:

A shift is coming, I am positioning my people I am readying my people.  Mikaela your job is to wait for my song to sing, wait for my trumpet to blow.  I will sound the horn and you will know when it’s time to run.  Because I have made you to run, you are a leader among many.  You can’t resist this season because it’s necessary and part of your race.  I am crafting & mending your heart.  Let me produce patience in you and a trust in the Father’s voice. 

These lines have truly kept me going as I wait and trust in where He leads me for the next step.  Yet not only do I believe these lines are for me but I believe they are for so many of His people as well. 

God is shifting and readying His people, and if you take a good look around it’s not hard to see.  There is a new season and freshness upon us.  I believe there is a release among His people that is about to happen, that I think this nation has never seen before.  God is awakening His people for greater purposes and plans and revealing destinies that call us forth to rise up and take a stand. 

There will be a new wave of leaders in the months to come.  His people will start to rise up and be known in every sphere of influence and most likely people you least expect.  Right now they are realizing their purpose and their calling, and understanding God has given them a voice that must be heard.  A time of deep surrender is happening for so many – laying down their own agenda and not moving forward until they hear His voice. 

As I hear God say He is doing a NEW thing, He reminds that every culture shift starts within His people.  For He came to dwell WITH His people and WITHIN His people. 

In Luke 17 Jesus states that the Kingdom of God isn’t to be observed but it is within you, ready to be experienced and lived out in our communities and cities.

Therefore I ask you today....

What’s the new thing He is stirring within you this season?

If it seems beyond your capability than more than likely that’s Him! :)

Never despise the day of small beginnings. 

And as I stated in my last blog, 

Arise, Arise for the seasons are changing and you don't want to be in winter clothes when spring is here! 

Take notice what He is doing.  

Maybe more importantly, MAKE SPACE to take notice what He is doing.