Tuesday, June 17, 2014

This is Who I am, I ......

How would you end that sentence?  Do you know? 

This who I am, I ... like pizza. I play guitar. 

But could you take it deeper?

This is Who I am, I ... live from love.  I live with purpose.  

The Holy Spirit keeps whispering this phrase to me.

Who I am is Who You Are 
& Who You Are is Who I am.  

As Christians, we ARE the very nature of Jesus - to often we focus on our sin, rather than remembering we are LOVE, we are JOY, we are HOPE that IS our nature.  He is our nature!

Here's a taste of my own Who I am phrases - may they encourage you in your own! 

This is who I am, I chose love today.
This is who I am, I determine what I say.

This is who I am, I decide my time.
This is who I am, I will not whine.

This is who I am, “I never” isn’t allowed.
This is who I am, I will stand proud.

This is who I am,“I can't” is not said.
This is who I am, I make my own bed.

This is who I am, He gives me the keys.
This is who I am, I live from my knees.

This is who I am, I awake with hope.
This is who I am, I will not mope.

This is who I am, I have a plan.
This is who I am, submitting to THE man.

This is who I am, I am purposed for more.
This is who I am, His love is my core.

This is who I am, His continual pursuit.
This is who I am, I will not be mute.

This is who I am, each day is a choice.
This is who I am, I will speak my voice.

This is who I am, I live from love. 
This is who I am, I seek Him above. 

This is who I am, all because He died.
This is who I am, its Jesus crucified!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

How do you know if you are a Leader Who Creates Culture?

Are you a leader?  Are you a culture creator?

Here’s a quick 4 C’s I have noticed in great leaders, who create culture!

1.  Communication:
            - Vision & Values must be defined: who are you & what  
               are you doing & why are you doing it 
2.  Context:
            - You need different levels of engaging your audience
            - Such as one on one, small groups, and large groups

3.  Consistent:
            - Predictable patterns and unchanging behavior add to the 
              “get it” factor of #1 and #2

4.  Create Culture:  
            – If your living #1, #2, & #3, then you naturally create 

Obviously, leadership is a complex topic with lots of different factors, but I continue to notice these qualities in place when I see stellar leaders!

What leaders in your life have you respected and looked up to?

What qualities did they carry?

The life of leader is often lonely and hard – blazing the path for others to follow, with often little recognition and lots of criticism. 

Maybe today you want to send a text of thanks to that stellar leader in your life!  My guess is they display 1 or all of the 4 C’s!