For the past couple weeks, our student ministry has been meeting on Wednesday nights at Costa coffee - a great time of fellowship and banter as they say! This Wed will be our last time in Costa as we kick off Missional Communities this next week!
You said, Whaaat?! –
I will probably be going to the grocery store twice a week or more. It's a 5 minute walk and our fridge is the size of an American freezer. Quite a change from my monthly (if that) trips to the store!
Fancy - to like something (did you steal this one from them Haley?!)
Banter - joking around
Cheeky - clever, witty (my friend called me this last week) :)
Chap - guy
Boot - trunk of a car
Film - movie
Yesterday I meet a girl from Sweden who is participating in the discipleship program here at Philly. (Note - Philly is what I/we call the church)
After the first 2 minutes into our conversation she asked, where I was from?! After I told her the states she said, really you have a bit of an accent? Then probably with a huge smile on my face I said well I am not surprised I have been here 5 days!! :)
Once again Sheffield, England I got this!!
Although after she told me that I went and told my English friend and she just laughed at me so apparently I have a ways to go as far as the accent is concerned.
More pictures and a week in a review coming soon!!
Do you miss me yet?! That’s what I thought! :)
God has been SO faithful to allow Sheffield to already feel like home to me. One of these ways is with my two housemates, Nick & Sam.
This is a classic Nick picture. He is full of a lot of Joy & Laughter which makes living with him a complete blast and an added bonus is that he's a great cook! I already have been blessed with some of his fine English cooking! He also works with me with student ministry.
Sam - he's always up for a good time and a good laugh! He's definitely a man's man, as I thought it was hilarious he downed this can of beans straight from the can before supper. The guy has a wicked metabolism! He's also introducing me to Rugby on Saturday - I am excited!!
More to come on both of these lads (and pics) but wanted to give you all an initial introduction!
ALSO, each week I plan to post a few things under (You said, Whaaat?!) that I have learned or experienced from being here.
You said, Whaaat?! ---
First of all, you would be surprised how many times I have no idea what someone just said and find myself saying, “Ahhh, what?!” Below are a few words that I have picked up that I hear a lot and I am sure there are many more to come!
Uni – term for the University or going to University
Lads - Guys