Monday, October 31, 2011

Student Missional Communities

At the heartbeat of Philly church are Missional Communities. In a word - families. They are made up of 20-40 people who are intentionally on mission together. Last week we kicked off our student Missional Communities.

The intent of these groups are to bring people into a place where they feel like they can belong and can experience life on life relationships. Not only do they meet as a big group but also in smaller groups throughout the week.

Right now our Missional Communities are in a season of abiding with God together and building true families within their groups. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for these groups! Come on Lord!!

Jon & Mina are one of our Miss Comm leaders
Don't they just look like they get things done!

Along with a few of their key people as well!

Steve & I are heading up the international students. Our first week we had 9 in attendance, which is pretty sweet considering we went from zero to 12 in about two weeks! Pray for them as we dive into Matthew!

You said, Whaatt?! -

Are you ok? - How are you doing? At first I thought everyone was worried about how I was doing or maybe I looked ill all the time. Nope. :)

Post - mail

Bin - trash

Broody - want a baby

Three Amigas...

On my first day of arriving in Sheffield, I met these 3 lovely ladies below! They have welcomed me with open arms and let me come over to their place (which is only a block away) whenever I like:)!

It was just this weekend when I was snuggled up in bed with them (yes this is what girls do) watching a movie - crazy to think we just met 2 weeks ago. Thankful to God for each of them!

Mina - Probably the nicest girl you will ever meet. She has a warm personality yet such a quiet confidence about her! The best is when she's real tired and she stops mid-sentence and starts a new a whole new sentence topic! She's also great to go on 5 hour walks with and is brillant at coming up with prophetic poems right on the spot!

Pippa - This lady rocks, plain and simple. She meets with teenage boys who are in prison so you can see the heart of this woman - quality! She has been so gracious to give me rides in her car which means more time to soak up some Pips!
Real depth & wisdom this one!

Daniela - This girl is often the life of the party and has a natural gift of prophecy and loves to lead others into that. She is also German which makes me like her even more (having German roots!) She also loves hugs, so if touch isn't your thing...beware.

I couldn't resist posting this one below! :) AND she thinks she's not photogenic!

You said, Whaatt?! -

Chips - fries

Crisps - chips

Mash - mashed potatoes

CV - resume

Porridge - oatmeal

Muesli - granola

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another Weekend in the Peak District!

On our way to another adventure in the Peak District w/ Nick, Mina, and Sam!


Trees ROCK!

We saw a couple of these - along with a huge dam. Wicked cool.

We stopped to do a little stone skipping.

Sam - in true form. Did I mention he competes in Strong Man?

Pippa :)

Mina :)

I think it was about this point where we decided to continue to walk all the way around. Little did we know that this would add an additional 2 1/2 hours of walking to our adventure!

But it's ok - we all love each other!

You said, Whaaat?! –

The stop lights are opposite and go from red to yellow to green and if it's flashing yellow and there are no cars then you can go.

Most homes don't have dryers (mine included)

Diary - calendar

Washing - laundry

Petro - gas

Monday, October 24, 2011

First & Foremost....

Judith on the left & Emma on the right.
I met these two crazy ladies last week and after introducing myself,
they said "Ohh Mikaela, we know you, we read your blog."
I thought, ohh that's not creepy at all! :) And figured I might want to learn their names!
It's been fun to get to know these ladies - real stalkers, I mean real gems!

Our last Wednesday at Costa coffee, we spent some time soaking (more to come on this word) before the Lord and receiving what He would want to speak to us.'s a bit of truth I have been chewing on...

Being in a foreign country it's easy for me to quickly identity myself as an American. I naturally compare everything to what I am used to and can fall into the trap of declaring my citizenship as an prideful American. As I am daily encountering many differences God has reminded me of this verse in Philippians.

Philippians 3:20 - But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,

FIRST & FOREMOST I want my identity to be wrapped up in the Kingdom of God and my citizenship in Heaven. This is a truth that needs to remain at the forefront of my mind which is easy to do when I am encountering people who don't talk like me or drive on the side of the road I am used to - I can't tell you how many times I went to get into a car as if I am the driver. It's a miracle I haven't gotten hit by cars going the "wrong" way. But thankfully my citizenship is in Heaven so I don't get annoyed or frustrated by any of these differences. HA! :)

You said, Whaaat?! –

If you have a lot of items to bring back from the grocery store you bring a carry on (suitcase) with you and then wheel it back home with all your goods. These Englishmen are so smart :)

Knackered - exhausted, tired

Tele - television

Toilet - bathroom

Wellies - rain boots

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Here's to Week One!

On Friday night, I went dancing with some of my friends!
This is a pretty normal weekend outting for them!
So I am gonna need to buff up my dancing shoes - more like buy some :)

On Saturday we went walking through the hilly Peak district
(similar to a National Park)! I felt right at home with a smore in hand!

Thankfully we had Sam there to build us a manly fire!
He is a good lad to have around.

This past week most of my time has been spent getting to know people, hacking out student ministry details with Nick and just getting a feel for Sheffield.

Today I had tea with Beth - as you can see! She leads one of our student Missional Communities and definitely has a natural gift of leadership.
I am excited how God will use her this year!

She attends Sheffield Hallam University (see below) and some of our students also attend the University of Sheffield. I will resist any comments on which one is better!

For the past couple weeks, our student ministry has been meeting on Wednesday nights at Costa coffee - a great time of fellowship and banter as they say! This Wed will be our last time in Costa as we kick off Missional Communities this next week!

You said, Whaaat?! –

I will probably be going to the grocery store twice a week or more. It's a 5 minute walk and our fridge is the size of an American freezer. Quite a change from my monthly (if that) trips to the store!

Fancy - to like something (did you steal this one from them Haley?!)

Banter - joking around

Cheeky - clever, witty (my friend called me this last week) :)

Chap - guy

Boot - trunk of a car

Film - movie

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another Quick Word

Yesterday I meet a girl from Sweden who is participating in the discipleship program here at Philly. (Note - Philly is what I/we call the church)

After the first 2 minutes into our conversation she asked, where I was from?! After I told her the states she said, really you have a bit of an accent? Then probably with a huge smile on my face I said well I am not surprised I have been here 5 days!! :)

Once again Sheffield, England I got this!!

Although after she told me that I went and told my English friend and she just laughed at me so apparently I have a ways to go as far as the accent is concerned.

More pictures and a week in a review coming soon!!

Quick Word

Today as I was walking home from work an English woman stopped me and asked if I knew where the tram stop was?! I said, "Of Course!" and showed her where to go!

The tram stop and I go waay back - about 3 days!!

AND nevermind I practically got lost on my jog right after that! :)

Sheffield, England I got this!

Monday, October 17, 2011

I made it!

Hello Amerrrrica! I made it!

Do you miss me yet?! That’s what I thought! :)

God has been SO faithful to allow Sheffield to already feel like home to me. One of these ways is with my two housemates, Nick & Sam.

This is a classic Nick picture. He is full of a lot of Joy & Laughter which makes living with him a complete blast and an added bonus is that he's a great cook! I already have been blessed with some of his fine English cooking! He also works with me with student ministry.

Sam - he's always up for a good time and a good laugh! He's definitely a man's man, as I thought it was hilarious he downed this can of beans straight from the can before supper. The guy has a wicked metabolism! He's also introducing me to Rugby on Saturday - I am excited!!

More to come on both of these lads (and pics) but wanted to give you all an initial introduction!

ALSO, each week I plan to post a few things under (You said, Whaaat?!) that I have learned or experienced from being here.

You said, Whaaat?! ---

First of all, you would be surprised how many times I have no idea what someone just said and find myself saying, “Ahhh, what?!” Below are a few words that I have picked up that I hear a lot and I am sure there are many more to come!

Uni – term for the University or going to University

Carnage - disorganization

Darby - sports match between two city rivalries

Lads - Guys

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why I love The Biggest Loser...

I am not really a sucker for TV. I can only think of 3 shows that I have got sucked into this past year. Those being Suits on USA, The Office, and The Biggest Loser.

BUT here's my top 10 reasons why I keep coming back to The Biggest Loser and will probably Hulu it while in the UK.

1. Overweight people dropping loads of pounds week after week! Does it get more inspirational than that?!

2. Bob Harper - what a stud!!

3. It goes deep! With each contestant they get to the root issue of how they got that big. Every issue seems to come back to their worth. They don't find themselves deserving, worthy, or good enough, etc...

4. Therefore, they don't even realize it but it all comes back to their identity! The trainers are continually speaking truth over who they are or more importantly who God has declared us to be - Worthy, Good Enough, Beautiful...

5. When the contestants start believing their real identity - a definite shift in their progress begins!

6. Jillian Michaels - she grew on me what can I say?! Sad to see her go.

7. They might not deal with conflict in the healthiest of ways, but regardless it's dealt with!

8. There's lots of healthy competition throughout the show - LOVE IT!

9. Community! Many contestants have made the comment that they feel like they are family with the other contestants. Truly life on life right before our eyes!

10. Makes you cry - even I have teared up!

AND I figured this would be a great last post while I am still in the States. Nothing says, Amerrrica like The Biggest Loser! Can I get an Amen?! :)

Here's a few pics from my recent "goodbyes"

Stacey - she's been a solid friend through the years!!
I will miss you too Stacey!

Ohh my Boccella - good good stuff!

I have been doing lots of this - you just can't beat a good hug!

My Dear Friend - Jess.
What a stud! This girl and I have a lot of history - 6 years worth!
She was in the first Leaders' Group I ever lead at Cornerstone Church!
AND believe it or not she's still walking with the Lord:) HA!

AND Jess how are you still single?! Shoot, girl!!!
AND did you know I was stepping on your foot?! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Finally Going Over the Pond!

My plane ticket is bought for Saturday, October 15th!

Did my visa finally get here?! Nope! :) BUT sometimes when it's 4th down and your on the 1 yard line you just need to punch it through! Eventually I will get my year long visa through the church but I will work out those details once I am there.

For those of you who still are a little blurry on the details of my trip - here's a quick run through!

Who: St. Thomas Church Philadelphia - Click here if you want to see a peek into what my church is about and how it all started! They reference St. Thomas of Sheffield at the beginning of the video. The organization 3D ministries is separate from the church. Just watch the video you will figure it out! :)

What: I will be working with the Young Adult ministry - more to come with the specifics of this!

Where: Sheffield, England (northern England - an hour East of Manchester)

Why: Because I love British accents! :) Ok, maybe a more spiritual answer to come, but right now I have 2 hours until College Gameday begins and I need to focus in!

How: I am raising support. If you haven't heard England is expensive, so give me some $$$ y'all!! Honestly, I have been so encouraged by all my supporters and how people have given so generously, but if you still want to join my team or make a one time drop in the bucket let me know!

This is pretty accurate to how I am feeling right now! A little nervous, a little excited, a little like what the heck am I doing!!? I guess you could say this guy is like Jesus and I am holding on tightly to Him - excited for the adventure He has in store for me!

And so your not completely confused with the picture above.
This is what was really going on! It's a good life!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Entertainment - It's a beautiful thing!

This season of waiting has allowed me some extra time to bask in the glory of American entertainment! It's a beautiful thing! Here's what I have been busy with.

Music - Last 5 purchases on Itunes - Marry You, Bruno Mars : The Earth is Yours, Gungor : Adoleo Worship CD : Good Life, One Republic : Feels like Home, Chantal

Movies - Always a passion of mine - just went to Moneyball, highly recommend it! I am slacking in this area as of late, so I might have to take a visit to the local theaters this week!

Sports - Football mainly - if it's on I am usually watching it. I am not a huge fan of baseball, but I am sure I will have no problem diving right into the playoffs as I am semi watching them as I write this now.

Hand-held device - I recently purchased the Droid 2 Global so I am usually on this while doing one of the above. Let me know if there's any good apps I am missing!

IPad2 - Occasionally I will jump on my Mom's IPad and lose myself in Harbor Master. That game is like crack! Not that I have ever tried crack but you get the idea! :)


Here's a few pics from this past weekend!

Matt, Jana, Bella and Ethan all came up for the game!

The Ladies! Thanks Kari for making the trek over! :)

The Little Man in his gear!!!

She's already living in the legacy of her mother,
who was on the ISU pom squad!

This weekend we also spent a day at the Center Grove Orchard - this place is bomb!!

See what I mean! Slide and wheel barrows for when you get tired!

AND below are just some snap shots I couldn't help but posting!!

Ethan James! He really is our Little Man, as we call him!

AND Ms. Bella again!