Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What song do you blast out in the shower?

What song do you sing in the shower?

An odd question I know, but what is it about the shower that you feel the freedom to belt it out?

Maybe it is something about the sound mechanics which make your voice more appealing than it really is? Maybe it's something about being naked? (yep I said that)  Maybe the convenience of the shampoo serving as your microphone?  Maybe it's the freedom that no one is watching and you can be completely yourself?

Whatever it is, there is a freedom.  A freedom to sing and a freedom to be you.


Even if it's more like a cover song for AC/DC, you are singing it like it's yours!

This poem below reminds me that we all have a song to sing.  We were made with a specific vision, purpose, and plan, with the intention of being completely free to be who God made us to be.

We have a destiny to be realized and released.  A song in our heart, that longs to be set free.

So whatever yours is, I pray that you would declare it today, in and out of the shower!

The world needs YOU to show you up today!

Your Song Released

He has your purpose and your plan, it’s all in align 
Trust your Father above, who was here before time 

As your heart starts to sing, let your longing begin,
Let the desires inside, press out from within

Stand and shout and follow your heart
He’s here, with you now, ready to start  

He’s given you a voice, a song to sing
He’s made you to fly, He’s given you wings

Today is the day, so why delay?
There’s only thing you know you must say

It’s yes, oh yes, one hundred times yes
I am ready, pick me, and I will not digress

I will not hold back, I will not be shy,
For I know my Dad wants me to fly

Let my destiny be released, as I fly off my feet
Let my dreams and my life finally meet 

For I have a song I must sing, a voice to be released
Today is the day, I will not taste defeat

So yes is my answer and yes is my cry
I will not delay, I will never say die

To my purpose and my plan and all that’s within
To know I am alive, destined to win

So I am ready, let’s go, My Dad and I
Ready to conquer, ready to fly! 

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