Monday, July 7, 2014

What would you do if you had no limits?

What would you do if you had no limits?

Would you write a book?  Would you start a business?  Would you travel overseas?  Would you become a rockette?  Would you work at a zoo?  Would you adopt?

It’s interesting, as I asked this question to a few different people over the past few weeks, I have been met with more questions than answers.  Less people seem to stop and dream and more people seem to question, doubt, and worry. 

A few months ago, I heard God ask me this very question, “What would I do if I had no limits?”

I must confess, I too didn’t quickly spat off loads of answers, but the more I started to dream, the more I couldn’t stop!  In doing so, my faith has increased and at the same time I have had to stand fear in the face and say, “You have NO place here.”  I am so tired of fear and letting a false nothing hold me back from what God has for me, but I digress that’s for another post!

Recently I read this prophetic word from Tim Sheets which said:

Right now God is opening doors for us to leap forward.  He is opening doors for us to surge ahead, and we are now going to run through open doors and spring into the future. 

Amen, Tim Sheets! I am ready to start running through open doors and leaping over what the enemy wants to put in my way.  I am tempted to start leaping places.  Seriously I am.  The Holy Spirit keeps whispering the word “activate” to me so I am doing my best to “activate” or set into motion His words.    

It’s a time for dreaming, it’s time for the dreamers to arise, and as we do we must get ready to LEAP, to BOUND, to FLY, into the calling God has for us.  

So today, as I got out of bed, I leaped to the bathroom.  I think I might make it part of my morning routine.  That may seem a little extreme and weird to you, BUT did you know the word weird actually means to pertain to destiny and suggesting the supernatural?

Count me in for more weird!

Lastly, I will leave you with a poem of Limitless Leaping!

Limitless leaping that’s what I do! 

I leap, I bound.
I transcend sound.

I leap to my destiny, I leap so high.
I leap out further, I touch the sky!

Leaping is my middle name.
Leaping never brings me shame.

Leaping is my very inner core.
Which means my life never is a bore.

Leaping is worth every cost.
Only then are limits lost.

I jump, I prance, I dance today. 
This freedom in me paves the way.

Limitless leaping is all I know.
As He forever runs the show.

Not a ceiling above or a box around.
But discovering what seemed lost has now been found.

Leap higher and wider and push the door.
Leap into your destiny, and you’ll discover so much more.   

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